Friday, July 29, 2011

Calling voice help

I've been so excited at the voice-to-text features that are coming to the iPhone. I suffer from MS, and sometimes I get really, really lethargic, and I'm not always in control of those energy levels. Sometimes even picking up the phone to call someone or send a text seems a real ordeal, so I'm hoping the iPhone will let me call or text people using only my voice. Is this going to happen? Elizabeth Trust

lizabeth, Apple continues to Focus on accessibility and we hear these speech-to-text Features are in development and should be in place by autumn. We're not sure how well you'll be able to command your iPhone, though.

iPhone 5 as a low-cost upgrade. I thought it would arrive in June, but it didn't so when will the next device ship? Andy Glover
We anticipate an announcement on the iPhone 5 (or iPhone 45 - the jury is out on whether this will be a big or a moderate upgrade) around September.


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