Saturday, July 30, 2011

iCloud & iOS 5

During the keynote address at Apples recent Worldwide Developers Conference, CEO Stevejobs unveiled iCloud, a new wireless data sync service for iPhone, iPad, and computers.

Cloud services are very much in vogue at the moment. The idea is that music, video,
computers. The same goes for calendar events, and you can even share calendars directly from your iOS device. iCloud syncing will also work with Safari bookmarks and books in iBooks.

And iCloud isn't just for Apple's software, either. Third-party applications will also be able to store documents in iCloud and
contacts and phone numbers are stored on a auto-sync them when changes are made on
remote server, instead of on your handheld Your mobile device will only access these when you need them.
any device.

Where it gets really special is with music,

__photos and videos. Any music in iTunes

The free iCloud takes the place of Apple's automatically appears on any device; and if
£59 per year MobileMe service, which Jobs admitted, "wasn't our finest hour". It offers the ability to sync contacts, calendars, and mail across different devices. If, for example, you create a new contact on your iPhone, it will be automatically pushed to the cloud and synced to all your other devices and
you take a photo on your iPhone,

it'll appear straightaway on your iPad and

home computer.

Even better news is the fact that iCloud is going to be free for all iOS users and it's coming later in the year. Interested? You will be...


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