Saturday, July 30, 2011

Never a man for a pipe and slippers approach, Nick Cave's early musical expression came in the form of the bugged-out punk screech of Aussie bad boys

The Birthday Party. But in 1983 he

hit on some languorous piano magic and launched a 25-year-long career with new band the Bad Seeds, who soon became the elder statesmen for a black-hearted take on religion, politics and the classic sex and death combo, the murder ballad. Following
collaborations with Cave's then girlfriends PJ Harvey and Kylie, and composing the odd film soundtrack along the way, in 2006 an opportunity to return to the wild side of gothic exploration presented itself. Cave, guitarist Warren Ellis, bass player Martyn P Casey and percussionist Jim Sclavunos started a risque blues-rock alter ego that would infect the Bad Seeds' blood too. Here Jim takes us down the dark alley leading to the Grinderman lair.


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