Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lavender Body Butter

""his rich body butter also works as a garden salve to help treat minor cuts and scrapes after a day spent
outdoors harvesting and trimming your plants. Sunflower, coconut and flaxseed oil can all be found at
your local grocery store. Beeswax is often found at natural food stores and farmers' markets. Look for
:)eekeepers as a source of wax—they may also have some lavender honey for sale. MAKES 4 OUNCES

% cup cocoa butter
2 tablespoons sunflower oi
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon flaxseed oi
2 tablespoons grated beeswax
1 teaspoon vitamin E oi
5 to 6 drops lavender essential oil

Combine all ingredients except essential oil
and gendy heat until melted. You may heat in the
microwave or on the stove top on low heat.
B Stir well and add the lavender essential oil,
pour into a clean container and allow to cool
El To use: Massage into your skin, especially classic
rough spots such as elbows, heels and knees.


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