Friday, July 29, 2011


I was very excited to hear about the new changes in iTunes following the launch of Apple's .Cloud service, but I was less impressed when I read in the Da,ly Telegraph that we'll be kept waiting for the .Tunes Match features until 2012. Why is that? Also does anybody know if we'll be able to use all the new access features that Apple has promised within .Tunes? I'm about the ability to access all our music purchases on up to 10 dev.ces. I'm excited about this as it might mean I won t have to fiddle around with cables too much in future, which pleases me - I hate cables. If these .Cloud features aren't available at the start, then what will make the next generation of .

Phones and iPads interesting at all? Will it really take Apple until next year to agree these deals? Can anyone tell me for sure? And if these features aren't available, who should we blame? Is it Apple's fault, or is it the labels? Alan Harvey We believe UK music labels want to see what effect Apple's services have when they launch in the US before they're prepared to reach deals here. We think that most iCloud services should work, and imagine the iCloud sync Feature will be agreed For use in the UK by autumn when iOS 5 ships. We cannot guarantee every label will have agreed to support this by then, though.


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