Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First-Aid Kit with Herbs

Create your own herbal first-aid kit with these 23 helpful healers. OVER THE YEARS, my idea of first aid has changed as I have learned to make poultices, salves, teas, tinctures, and synergistic blends of herbs and essential oils. I also took an herbal apprentice class with Rosemary Gladstar, which was an amazing learning experience.

These adventures are reflected in my first-aid kit. One of the first steps to making an herbal first-aid kit is selecting a container. I considered many boxes, but finally settled on a heav)'-duty, three-tiered plastic toolbox. Here are some herbal items in my first-aid kit. Perhaps my kit will inspire you to create an herbal remedy kit of your own.  Dried Herbs to Have on Hand I keep these to make herbal infusions. Use them regularly, and replace yearly. • Chamomile soothes, relieves stress and aids digestion. • Comfrey. Use ground root and/or leaves externally as a poultice for bruises, sprains or strains, and bone injuries. • Lemon balm soothes the digestive tract and helps aid relaxation and sleep. • Milky oats. Tlie seeds of this plant make a good-tasting tea to relieve stress and anxiet}'. • Peppermint and spearmint soothe the stomach and freshen breath. • Sage makes a good mouth and throat gargle. Pack Powdered Herbs Powdered herbs can be packed in capsules, used in poultices or dissolved in tea. Use mixtures within a year. • Echinacea boosts the immune system and speeds recovery from colds and flu. • Slippery elm soothes sore throats, scalded tongues or mouths, digestive complaints or constipation. • Powdered goldenseal root is used in poultices for infections and abscesses; discontinue use after two to three weeks; it can irritate mucous membranes. • Cayenne is a warming, stimulating powder that is good for the circulation and the heart, as well as digestion and congestion. Use sparingly because of its potent heat. • Use powdered, dried yarrow leaves to stop bleeding and to disinfect wounds. Gladstar recommends placing a pinch in the nose to stop a nosebleed.

Note: The information here is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. Contact your health-care practitioner if you have questions, ifyou take prescription drugs, or if 'you are pregnant or nursing. •rv' Take These Tinctures In my experience, tinctures act much more quickly than powdered herbs in capsules. Remember that alcohol-based tinctures aren t for children. • Echinacea and goldenseal bolster the immune system and fight infection. • Ashwagandha promotes well-being; good for low energ)'. • Crampbark alleviates menstrual cramps. • Valerian promotes relaxation; reduces insomnia, stress and tension; and relieves aches and pains. Note: Valerian may have the opposite reaction in some individuals—do not use it you feel agitated or uneasy after trying it. Really Essential Oils Don't use these oils directly on the skin; dilute in a carrier oil (see below). Be sure your essential oils are pure and not synthetic. • Lavender relieves pain, burns and bee stings, and is superb in the bath and in aromatherapy treatments for relaxation. • Tea tree has antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal properties. It is well-suited for wounds, insect bites, rashes and for cleansing purposes.

A skin test is recommended before using. • Add eucalyptus to baths to relieve achy muscles or cold and flu symptoms; use it for a steam inhalation to alleviate coughs and congestion; mix into insect repellents. • Thyme has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and is good for cleaning bites and stings. Add it to bathwater to soothe muscle aches. Other Healing Oils Tlie following are carrier oils, or oils blended with herbs or essential oils that are used for specific ailments. • Arnica oil is for bruises and muscle aches. • Castor oil is used for swelling, for contusions and to pull out toxins; it will stain clothing and skin. • Mullein flower oil is for earaches. • Calendula oil soothes most minor skin irritations. It also regenerates cell growth. —Susan Belsinger is a frequent Herb Companion contributor.


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