Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Household money saving tips: how to cut heating costs this winter

Household money saving tips: how to cut heating costs this winter

One of the easiest ways to limit heating costs is to set your thermostat a few degrees lower. Doing so can save you an estimated two to three percent per degree over the season. Bundle up a little more at home and fix the temperature somewhere between 68 and 70 degrees. However, do not turn off the heat altogether while you are away. Doing so will allow your home's temperature to drop near that of the outdoors and will take more energy to reheat. Instead, cut back the thermostat about ten degrees while you are at work, returning it to normal once you get home. If you shudder at the thought of being welcomed home from work by a frigid house, invest in a programmable thermostat, which can be set to run at different temperatures at different times of the day.
Another quick and inexpensive way to conserve heat is to insulate properly. Although anyone would laugh at the idea of leaving a window open in December, few realize that incorrectly sealed doors and windows are just as bad for conserving heat. Place weather stripping at the base of drafty entryways, even if the gap is barely visible. Seal windows with caulk to keep out chilly air and hold in warmth. These jobs should be done before the temperature drops too low, since weather barriers adhere poorly in cold weather. If you are willing to make a larger investment, replace old windows with double-paned models, which will drastically improve your home's temperature efficiency throughout the year. Many newer panes are treated with UV ray resistant coatings, which keep summer heat from seeping in.


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