Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Relax your mind

  • 1
    Eating certain foods, and drinking certain fluids will help you relax.

  • Chocolate. This will re-boost your energy, and chocolate also have been scientifically proved to release certain enzymes in your body that make you feel pleased and happy.
    • Water. You can get stressed out if you do not drink water, because you will most likely get dehydrated. The human body needs a lot of water every day to stay functioning, and the way to remember to drink water, is to always have a water bottle with you.

    • Drink an herb drink. Such as a good, warm cup of tea. Herbal Tea is bland, and it takes time to get used to, but it is relaxing when you enjoy it. Any tea will do also, because the warmth of the liquid will make you feel relaxed, and it can be soothing if you feel like you are catching a cold, or if you have allergies.

  • 2
    Use Lavender. Get a bag of lavender scent and rest it on your head. Lie down and relax. Breathe the soothing scent of lavender until you feel relaxed and calmed. Then keep your body at rest for a few minutes and slowly stand up and calmly perform your tasks.

  • 3
    Draw. Art is both inspiring and soothing. Drawing can help your brain focus, and train to stay concentrated. You don't have to be good at drawing, just do your best to draw anything, maybe something that makes you smile, like a person, a scenery or an animal.

  • 4
    Exercise moderately. Do yoga. Stretch your muscles. Walk. Any kind of exercise will do, but you have to remember the importance of keeping your body in movement, because it helps the circulation, also to the brain, and that way, you won't get tired as easily.

  • 5
    Visit a natural area. Go to a nature center or park outside of the city environment to clear your thoughts. The fresh air will renew your mind, relax your body and do well for your mental health. Try doing this as often as you can.

  • 6
    Listen to relaxing music. Your choice depends upon your preference, whether it is jazz, ballads, folk, or pop. Music is stimulating to our brain, and it really wakens us up. Just be sure to do this is you do not have to concentrate on something else, because music can also be very distracting.

  • 7
    Spend time alone. Being with other people might stress you. Spend your time alone reading, taking a nap, watching TV, or any other hobby you enjoy. You could also try something new, learn something that you haven't thought about before. It can feel accomplishing, making you happy, satisfied and ready to rule the world. Also, If your pets come by you, slowly start to stroke them. It should relax you.

  • 8
    Spend time with friends. If you feel down, a friend might cheer you up. Confide in someone you know you can trust, and a person you know will be able to make you laugh. Do something together, as going out to eat or dance.


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