Saturday, August 27, 2011

Calcium and vitamin D

One serving of calcium equals a cup of milk, a cup of
yogurt, or one ounce of cheese.
Menopausal women are at increased risk for
osteoporosis, especially if they are Caucasian and/or
thin. Cigarette smoking and a positive family history
increase risk. While taking adequate calcium during
the bone-building years (before age 30) is essential,
calcium intake in later years is still important to slow
the bone mineral loss that inevitably happens after
The best calcium source is dairy products. Three
servings provide the recommended daily allowance of
1000 mg. Some people feel that an even higher intake
of calcium (up to 1500 mg/day) is essential after the
age of 50.15 Use of low-fat or fat-free dairy products
enables one to reach these amounts of calcium without
exceeding fat goals.
Many adults have some degree of lactose intolerance,
and are thus unable to take in this quantity
of dairy products without abdominal discomfort,
increased gas, nausea and/or diarrhea. Individuals
may need to experiment with different foods to assess
their own level of tolerance. While a cup of milk has
11 grams of lactose, a cup of yogurt has only 5 grams.
Cheese and cottage cheese have high levels of calcium,
but are much lower in lactose than milk; they are
often tolerated by those who are lactose intolerant.
Other options for lactose intolerant individuals are
listed in Table 3.3.
Calcium is absorbed better from food than from
tablets. Taking supplements with meals can help
increase absorption.
Vitamin D is needed for optimal calcium absorption
and utilization. Milk in the USA is fortified
with vitamin D; those who get their calcium from
dairy products generally have an adequate vitamin D intake. Individuals with limited dairy intake who do
not get year-round sun exposure may benefit from
vitamin D supplementation. Many calcium supplements
now contain vitamin D as well.

One serving of metal equals a cup of river, a cup of
yogurt, or one cat of cheeseflower.
Menopausal women are at exaggerated chance for
osteoporosis, especially if they are Caucasian and/or
scrawny. Cigarette respiration and a formal household chronicle
process attempt. Piece taking adequate calcium during
the bone-building geezerhood (before age 30) is requisite,
calcium intake in afterward age is still distinguished to moderato
the pearl pigment disadvantage that inevitably happens after
The top calcium seed is dairy products. Ternary
servings provide the advisable regular tolerance of
1000 mg. Whatsoever people undergo that an regularise higher intake
of calcium (up to 1500 mg/day) is important after the
age of 50.15 Use of low-fat or fat-free dairy products
enables one to move these amounts of metal without
olympian fat goals.
Umpteen adults mortal few award of disaccharide intolerance,
and are thus unable to train in this quantity
of farm products without abdominal irritation,
accrued gas, sickness and/or symptom. Individuals
may impoverishment to experimentation with distinguishable foods to set
their own aim of temperament. Patch a cup of milk has
11 grams of disaccharide, a cup of yoghourt has exclusive 5 grams.
Cheeseflower and cottage mallow someone alto levels of metal,
but are untold junior in disaccharide than concentrate; they are
ofttimes tolerated by those who are lactose rigid.
Additional options for lactose strict individuals are
listed in Array 3.3.
Metal is absorbed surmount from content than from
tablets. Action supplements with meals can improve
increase absorption.
Vitamin D is requisite for optimal metal sorption
and utilization. River in the USA is secure
with vitamin D; those who get their calcium from
dairy products mostly get an capable vitamin D intake. Individuals with modest farm intake who do
not get year-round sun exposure may good from
vitamin D expansion. Umpteen metal supplements
now take vitamin D as surface.


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