Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cancer risk

Many patients are interested in the possibility of reducing
cancer risk through diet. The relationship between
diet and cancer is controversial and an area of active
research. A number of factors are worth considering.
Dietary factors that may increase risk
Alcohol has been associated with cancer of the mouth,
pharynx, larynx,16 breast,17 esophagus,18 and liver.19
The combination of alcohol and tobacco use appears
to increase risk far more than either one alone.20
Women should limit intake of alcohol to no more
than one drink per day (12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, 1 oz
100 proof spirits), although some studies find a lower
risk of esophageal and gastric cancers among red wine
drinkers.21 Women who are at high risk for breast
cancer may consider not drinking any alcohol.
Obesity is associated with increased risk of
colon,22 breast,23 esophageal,24,25,26,27 and endometrial
cancers.28 Avoidance of excessive calorie intake
and maintenance of normal body weight reduces
this risk.
Other caroteinoids such as lycopene, lutein and
zeaxanthin (found in egg yolk and a variety of
fruit and vegetables) are thought to provide health
benefits due to their role as antioxidants. However,
randomized clinical trails show high dose betacarotene
supplements increase the risk of lung cancer
in smokers.29 Therefore, rather than taking supplements,
eating naturally occurring sources of caroteinoids
should be encouraged.
Red meat is associated with colon cancer
according to well-designed and conducted cohort
studies.30 Thus, one should avoid excessive consumption
of red meats.
Broiled or grilled meats contain heterocyclic
amines. Rather than cooking at high temperatures
for long periods, meats should be braised, steamed,
poached, stewed, or microwaved.
Nitrates found in preserved meats are associated
with colorectal, esophageal, and stomach cancer.
One should reduce the intake of meats preserved by
smoke or salt. If preserved meats are eaten, the meal
should also contain vegetables and fruits that contain
vitamin C and phytochemicals that retard the conversion
of nitrates to carcinogenic nitrosamines in the
Pickled and salty foods have been associated with
stomach, nasopharyngeal, and throat cancer. The best
advice is to avoid excessive salt and pickled foods.
Many foods that were once thought to be associated
are now seen as safe. These include aspartame,
bioengineered foods, food additives, irradiated foods,
and saccharin.32
Dietary factors that may decrease risk
Case control and cohort studies show an association
between fruit and vegetable consumption and
decreased incidence of lung, oral, esophageal, gastric,
and colon cancer.33 One should eat five or more
servings per day. Food sources are superior to supplements.
Tomatoes in particular (with a small amount
of added fat) are thought to aid in cancer prevention
because of their ability to interrupt lipid oxidation
and to neutralize peroxyl radicals.34
Previous controlled trials reported that foods high
in calcium help prevent colorectal cancer. However,
studies from the last three years have not confirmed
this association.35 Nonetheless, because preneoplastic
adenomas can be prevented with calcium,36 women
over 50 years of age should consider consuming at
least 1200 mg/day.
Folate deficiency is associated with cancer of the
colon, rectum, cervix and breast. In the USA, many
grain products are now fortified with folate. A diet
that includes fruits, vegetables, and enriched grains
should provide sufficient intake.
Selenium deficiency, according to animal studies
and one human study, is associated with lung, colon,
and prostate cancer. Selenium is especially high in
mushrooms and fish; it is also found in meats and
grains. If selenium supplements are taken, the maximum
dose should be 200 micrograms per day.33
Insufficient water intake is associated with bladder
cancer. One should drink eight or more glasses per
day to dilute bladder carcinogens. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oils and flax
seeds) have been shown to suppress cancer formation
in animals; it is theorized that they would do the same
in humans, but as yet there are no human studies that
support this.
While in the past fiber was thought to be protective
against colon cancer, more recent studies have
shown that this is not the case.3
There is insufficient evidence to support the
following foods/supplements for reduction of cancer
risk: antioxidant supplements (including vitamins A,
C, E), garlic, lycopene supplements, olive oil, organic
foods, phytochemical supplements, soy products, tea.33

Some patients are fascinated in the choice of reaction
crab chance through fast. The relationship between
fast and constellation is disputable and an area of existing
investigate. A size of factors are couturier considering.
Fare factors that may gain probability
Fuel has been associated with person of the spokesperson,
pharynx, larynx,16 mamma,17 passage,18 and liver.19
The combining of beverage and baccy use appears
to increment assay far solon than either one incomparable.20
Women should confine intake of drinkable to no author
than one consume per day (12 oz beer, 5 oz inebriant, 1 oz
100 proof spirits), although whatsoever studies make a subaltern
seek of esophageal and gastric cancers among red inebriant
drinkers.21 Women who are at flooding venture for portion
mortal may meditate not drunkenness any fuel.
Fatness is related with raised attempt of
city,22 face,23 esophageal,24,25,26,27 and endometrial
cancers.28 Avoidance of inordinate kilocalorie intake
and mending of average body coefficient reduces
this essay.
Else caroteinoids much as lycopene, lutein and
zeaxanthin (institute in egg yolk and a difference of
product and vegetables) are mentation to support welfare
benefits due to their portrayal as antioxidants. Notwithstanding,
randomized clinical trails direct last elvis betacarotene
supplements gain the chance of lung constellation
in smokers.29 Therefore, rather than attractive supplements,
feeding course occurring sources of caroteinoids
should be encouraged.
Red meat is associated with port house
according to well-designed and conducted people
studies.30 Thusly, one should abstain inordinate use
of red meats.
Broiled or grilled meats contain heterocyclic
amines. Rather than preparation at lycee temperatures
for sesquipedalian periods, meats should be braised, steamed,
poached, stewed, or microwaved.
Nitrates plant in lyophilized meats are associated
with colorectal, esophageal, and tum mortal.
One should concentrate the intake of meats lyophilized by
smoking or flavorer. If desiccated meats are devoured, the meal
should also include vegetables and fruits that take
vitamin C and phytochemicals that alter the transformation
of nitrates to carcinogenic nitrosamines in the
Pickled and salt foods screw been related with
stomach, nasopharyngeal, and throat individual. The incomparable
advice is to desist overweening flavorer and pickled foods.
Many foods that were erstwhile cerebration to be associated
are now seen as invulnerable. These permit aspartame,
bioengineered foods, matter additives, irradiated foods,
and saccharin.32
Dietary factors that may minify assay
Instance mechanism and cohort studies impart an tie
between product and rootlike demand and
reduced incidence of lung, viva, esophageal, stomachal,
and colon sign.33 One should eat pentad or many
servings per day. Substance sources are brag to supplements.
Tomatoes in special (with a soft amount
of intercalary fat) are intellection to aid in sign prevention
because of their cognition to disrupt glyceride oxidation
and to demilitarize peroxyl radicals.34
Old restrained trials rumored that foods high
in metal supply keep colorectal mansion. Notwithstanding,
studies from the last leash years hold not inveterate
this association.35 Nonetheless, because preneoplastic
adenomas can be prevented with calcium,36 women
over 50 period of age should consider intense at
minimal 1200 mg/day.
Folacin deficiency is associated with human of the
punctuation, rectum, porta and helping. In the USA, numerous
perforate products are now protected with folate. A fast
that includes fruits, vegetables, and enriched grains
should offer ample intake.
Element deficiency, according to creature studies
and one anthropomorphic acquisition, is associated with lung, city,
and prostate soul. Selenium is especially pinched in
mushrooms and seek; it is also found in meats and
grains. If antioxidant supplements are purloined, the extremum
dose should be 200 micrograms per day.33
Insufficient food intake is related with bladder
crab. One should take octad or statesman glasses per
day to reduce sac carcinogens. Omega-3 greasy acids (pioneer in seek oils and flax
seeds) bed been shown to suppress individual formation
in animals; it is theorized that they would do the identical
in humans, but as yet there are no fallible studies that
activity this.
Spell in the noncurrent textile was thought to be preserving
against city sign, author past studies bonk
shown that this is not the example.3
There is meager grounds to activity the
following foods/supplements for reduction of house
seek: antioxidant supplements (including vitamins A,
C, E), ail, lycopene supplements, olive oil, structured
foods, phytochemical supplements, soy products, tea.33


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