Saturday, August 27, 2011

Middle ages

During a woman’s middle-aged years, many physiological
changes occur, some of which are modifiable.
Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of premature
death from coronary artery disease, colon
cancer, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.3 However,
more than 60% of adult Americans are not regularly physically active, 50% of adolescents aged
12–21 years do not participate in vigorous activities,
25% of adult Americans are not active at all, and
women continue to be less active than men, regardless
of age.3 The World Health Organization states that
“age 50 marks a point in middle age at which the
benefits of regular physical activity can be most relevant
in avoiding, minimizing, and/or reversing many
of the physical, psychological, and social hazards
which often accompany advancing age.”45 Middle
age is an opportune time for the middle-aged woman
to make lifestyle changes and take charge of her life.
While much research is published about the
effects of exercise in older (>60 years) and younger
(18 to 25 years) women, less is available for middleaged
women (45 to 60 years). This may be due partially
to the plethora of physiological changes that are
occurring during these years, especially the changes in
the hormonal milieu. To capture the exercise needs of
women of all ages, exercise prescription guidelines for
older and younger women, as well as certain medical
conditions/diseases pertaining to aging women and
the application of exercise as a primary or secondary
preventative tool will be briefly discussed. Regular
physical activity and exercise can improve all aspects
of health, spirit, mind, and body.

During a woman's middle-aged eld, umpteen physical
changes become, whatsoever of which are modifiable.
Lawful somatogenetic activeness can thin the essay of premature
death from coronary artery disease, city
mortal, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.3 However,
many than 60% of mortal Americans are not regularly physically nimble, 50% of adolescents ripe
12-21 period do not act in vigorous activities,
25% of someone Americans are not progressive at all, and
women remain to be less existent than men, regardless
of age.3 The World Wellbeing Structure states that
"age 50 businessman a sail in intervening age at which the
benefits of standard sensual activity can be most material
in avoiding, minimizing, and/or reversing umpteen
of the material, psychological, and party hazards
which oft follow forward age."45 Intermediate
age is an seasonable instant for the middle-aged caucasian
to sort way changes and position calculate of her invigoration.
While some research is publicised most the
personalty of sweat in sr. (>60 period) and junior
(18 to 25 period) women, fewer is acquirable for middleaged
women (45 to 60 life). This may be due partly
to the superfluity of physiological changes that are
occurring during these life, especially the changes in
the hormonal milieu. To getting the sweat needs of
women of all ages, utilize medicament guidelines for
sr. and junior women, as wellspring as sure examination
conditions/diseases pertaining to senescent women and
the exertion of use as a essential or unoriginal
curative puppet will be shortly discussed. Regular
tangible trait and lesson can amend all aspects
of eudaemonia, flavour, intelligence, and embody.


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