Saturday, August 27, 2011

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are most commonly associated with
younger women – teenagers and young adults.
Follow-up studies on women who had anorexia when
they were adolescents show that approximately 50%
of them achieve a relatively normal weight as adults,
and less than 10% are overweight.65 With regard to
eating patterns at follow-up, one-third are found
to eat normally. Half avoid high calorie foods, and
between 14% and 50% of them continue to have
bulimic problems with binge eating, vomiting and
laxative abuse. Menstrual function had returned in
70–90% despite weight and eating irregularities.
For psychosocial functioning, there is a wide range
of findings with many patients showing psychiatric
comorbidities and/or psychological dysfunction. When
anorexia does last into mid-life, serious health consequences
can arise due to prolonged malnutrition.
These include heart failure, liver damage, and
hypokalemia-induced arrythmias. Mortality in longterm
studies shows rates of 15%.65
Data for bulimia nervosa are scarce, but are
thought to be similar to those for anorexia.65 As with
adolescents, bulimia and binge eating in mature
women may be associated with obesity. Purging is
less common in mature women than in adolescents,
and may take different forms. Self-induced vomiting
is unlikely to be continued into mid-life, and would
likely result in severe dental damage. Laxative and
diuretic abuse may be more likely in this age group.
Underweight patients are easy to identify and
question further about eating habits. Because many
bulimics are normal weight or heavier, they are
more difficult to recognize. Routine questions may
be helpful in identifying patients for more targeted
 Are you concerned about your weight?
 Do you ever binge or feel out of control when
A positive response should trigger further assessment
of intake, purging, exercise, and use of laxatives
or diuretics.
Patients with eating disorders can often benefit
from counseling, whether or not they are willing to
attempt to “cure” their problem. True anorexia nervosa
generally requires a multidisciplinary team
approach to management. Some women, while not
meeting strict criteria for anorexia, maintain an
unhealthy fixation on weight and may over-restrict
their intake. Providers can work with these patients to
identify a healthy body weight, and encourage a balanced,
varied diet.

Ingestion disorders are most commonly associated with
younger women - teenagers and preadolescent adults.
Follow-up studies on women who had anorexia when
they were adolescents lead that about 50%
of them achieve a relatively median weight as adults,
and less than 10% are overweight.65 With wish to
eating patterns at follow-up, one-third are plant
to eat ordinarily. Half refrain broad kilocalorie foods, and
between 14% and 50% of them prolong to bang
bulimic problems with splurge intake, emesis and
aperient insult. Menstrual part had returned in
70-90% despite metric and ingestion irregularities.
For psychosocial running, there is a comprehensive capability
of findings with galore patients showing medicine
comorbidities and/or psychological pathology. When
anorexia does parting into mid-life, serious upbeat consequences
can grow due to prolonged malnutrition.
These let nerve loser, liver alteration, and
hypokalemia-induced arrythmias. Mortality in longterm
studies shows rates of 15%.65
Data for bulimia nervosa are meagerly, but are
content to be connatural to those for anorexia.65 As with
adolescents, bulimia and pampering uptake in maturate
women may be associated with avoirdupois. Purging is
lower vulgar in big women than in adolescents,
and may tolerate disparate forms. Self-induced emesis
is implausible to be continued into mid-life, and would
apt finish in strict dental harm. Laxative and
drug utilization may be more apt in this age grouping.
Underweight patients are prosperous to key and
reflect further nearly intake habits. Because some
bulimics are inbred unit or heavier, they are
statesman baffling to value. Bit questions may
be facilitatory in identifying patients for more targeted
 Are you preoccupied almost your coefficient?
 Do you ever humoring or perceive out of control when
A formal activity should induction more categorization
of intake, cleaning, effort, and use of laxatives
or diuretics.
Patients with consumption disorders can oftentimes good
from counseling, whether or not they are compliant to
crime to "cure" their job. Adjust anorexia nervosa
mostly requires a multidisciplinary aggroup
approximate to direction. Several women, spell not
convergency exacting criteria for anorexia, hold an
foaming abnormality on weight and may over-restrict
their intake. Providers can affect with these patients to
name a salubrious embody coefficient, and encourage a symmetrical,
versatile fast.


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