Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sexuality through the life-cycle

1. Sexuality is a significant aspect of all individuals’
lives. Physicians and health care professionals who
provide continuing care to individuals and
families have an opportunity and responsibility to
provide appropriate counseling, anticipatory
guidance and education. Many women consider
their physicians as experts in the area of human
2. Sexual issues are frequently ignored in practice.
Sexuality provides individuals a way to express
their feelings, demonstrate caring and
communicate and develop intimacy with another
person. Sexual expression becomes a source of
pleasure and fulfillment. For couples, it is a
powerful form of conversation.
3. Many medical, psychological, and developmental
concerns impact sexual behavior. These include
psychosocial development, contraception, STDs,
and the impact of various illnesses such as
depression, substance abuse, physical disability,
heart disease and diabetes on sexuality. If not
discussed, this may be ignored.
4. When talking with the woman about sexual
histories and concerns, consider the age, culture
and religious background of the individual. For
some this may be embarrassing or inappropriate,
whereas many women will seize the opportunity
with welcome relief.


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