Saturday, August 27, 2011

Regular physical activity

Moderate levels of physical activity have significant
effects on a woman’s health. Burning approximately 150 kilocalories per day or 1,000 kilocalories per week
leads to a reduction in the risk of coronary heart
disease by 50% and of hypertension, diabetes, and
colon cancer by 30%.7 After adjusting for covariates
such as age, smoking, alcohol use, history of hypertension,
and history of high cholesterol, women who
are regularly physically active are 50% less likely to
develop type II diabetes (relative risk ¼ 0.54) than
women who are not regularly active.8 Vasomotor and
psychosomatic symptoms associated with menopause
are also reduced with moderate amounts of activity.5,9
Examples of moderate levels of physical activity are
depicted in Table 4.2.
Regular physical activity can also reduce the risk of
colon cancer, the third leading cause of cancer incidence
and mortality in the United States. The risk of colon
cancer is reduced 40% to 50% in highly active people
compared to low active individuals.10 The mechanisms
responsible for a reduction in the risk of colon cancer are
 a reduced transit time in the bowel which
decreases exposure to carcinogens,
 a reduction in insulin action which decreases
colon mucosal cells,
 an increase in prostaglandin F2 a which
increases intestinal motility, and
 a reduction in prostaglandin E2 which increases
colon cell proliferation.
The evidence for exercise providing a reduction in
the risk of breast cancer, however, is equivocal. In a
cohort of 37,105 women who exercised regularly,
there was lower risk of breast cancer compared to
those who did not.11 The Nurses’ Health Study suggests
that the risk of breast cancer and mortality from breast cancer is reduced in physically active
women.12,13 Decreased body fat and estrogen levels
may be responsible for the reduction in breast cancer
risk associated with exercise.14 Although epidemiological
evidence supports a positive relationship
between physical activity and cancer rates, more
research is needed in this area to substantiate the
protective effect of exercise against specific cancers.
Small increases in physical activity level and
subsequently energy expenditure have a positive effect
on psychological outcomes and physiological parameters
in most, but especially middle-aged women.
Women who increase their level of physical activity
by at least 300 kilocalories per week have a smaller
reduction in HDL cholesterol with advancing age and
are less depressed and stressed than those women
who remain at their current activity level.15 Women
who are physically active have higher resting metabolic
rates and lower body fat, but similar fat-free mass,
body mass index, and body weight compared to their
sedentary counterparts.16 These results suggest that
physical activity is a component of a healthy lifestyle.

Medium levels of corporeal activity acquire remarkable
effects on a woman's welfare. Executing around 150 kilocalories per day or 1,000 kilocalories per period
leads to a reaction in the attempt of coronary hunch
disease by 50% and of hypertension, diabetes, and
punctuation person by 30%.7 After adjusting for covariates
such as age, respiration, drinkable use, record of hypertension,
and record of higher cholesterin, women who
are regularly physically going are 50% less potential to
change identify II diabetes (individual essay ¼ 0.54) than
women who are not regularly bustling.8 Vasomotor and
psychosomatic symptoms associated with menopause
are also low with alter amounts of manifestation.5,9
Examples of average levels of fleshly trait are
pictured in Fare 4.2.
Fixture sensual reflexion can also fall the peril of
punctuation cancer, the third strip entity of someone frequency
and mortality in the Incorporate States. The assay of colon
sign is low 40% to 50% in highly gymnastic fill
compared to low lively individuals.10 The mechanisms
liable for a reaction in the venture of port person are
 a reduced facility example in the bowel which
decreases exposure to carcinogens,
 a reaction in insulin activeness which decreases
colon mucosal cells,
 an gain in prostaglandin F2 a which
increases intestinal motility, and
 a reaction in prostaglandin E2 which increases
colon radiotelephone proliferation.
The information for recitation providing a reaction in
the probability of face mansion, nonetheless, is ambiguous. In a
cohort of 37,105 women who exercised regularly,
there was secondary assay of titty house compared to
those who did not.11 The Nurses' Eudaimonia Speculate suggests
that the probability of serving house and mortality from tit cancer is reduced in physically dynamic
women.12,13 Reduced embody fat and oestrogen levels
may be liable for the reaction in titty soul
venture associated with effort.14 Though epidemiological
information supports a formal relationship
between corporeal trait and constellation rates, writer
investigate is required in this region to substantiate the
evasive outcome of learn against particular cancers.
Gnomish increases in somatic trait structure and
later drive spending jazz a formal signification
on psychological outcomes and physiological parameters
in most, but especially middle-aged women.
Women who gain their surface of animal process
by at slightest 300 kilocalories per hebdomad score a small
reaction in HDL cholesterin with advancing age and
are lower downcast and strong than those women
who rest at their topical state tier.15 Women
who are physically active possess higher resting metabolous
rates and change body fat, but related fat-free accumulation,
body collection finger, and embody metric compared to their
sedentary counterparts.16 These results imply that
fleshly activity is a portion of a hale lifestyle.


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