Saturday, August 27, 2011

Special diets for weight loss

There are many other approaches to weight loss that
are promoted widely, many promising dramatic
results in a short time. Some of the most well known
include the following.
The Atkins Diet
This is a severely restricted carbohydrate, high-protein,
high-fat diet. This diet takes advantage of the ketosis
that develops during starvation; the resulting anorexia
reduces appetite. However, ketosis can also cause fatigue,
constipation, and vomiting. Potential long-term side
effects include heart disease, bone loss, and kidney
damage. In addition, high-protein, low-carbohydrate
diets tend to be low in calcium, fiber, and antioxidants.
The proponents of this diet advise taking vitaminmineral
supplements to replace lost nutrients. This
type of diet has been found to result in greater initial
weight loss than a low-fat diet; however, after six
months there is no appreciable difference between
weight lost with the two approaches (Table 3.5).
The Pritikin Diet
This is a very low fat (15% of calories), high fiber,
vegetarian (or nearly vegetarian) diet combined with
exercise. It claims to reduce serum cholesterol and
prevent or reverse cardiovascular disease.
The Dean Ornish Diet
This carries low fat even further, with only 10% of
calories from fat. Again, it claims reduction of serum
cholesterol and prevention of heart disease.
Diet pills
According to NHLBI guidelines, pharmacotherapy
may be considered for those with a BMI of 30 or more,
or BMI between 27 and 29.9 with comorbidity.49
Women are significantly more likely to use diet pills
than men.60,61 A discussion of the available agents and  (((( 1. If immune function is compromised, avoid
uncooked meats, unpasteurized dairy products, raw
vegetables, and herbal nutrient supplements.
2. Because fever expends considerable energy,
adequate intake of carbohydrates, fats, and
vitamins should be encouraged, especially during
episodes of infection.
3. During chemotherapy treatments, meat often has a
very bad taste and smell. Using fruit or fruit juice
when preparing or serving meat may help.
4. Dry mouth symptoms can be alleviated by rinsing
with a saline mouthwash (one teaspoon salt and one
teaspoon baking soda added to a quart of water)
before meals. Commercial mouthwash, alcoholic and
acidic beverages can aggravate an irritated mouth.
5. For patients with mouth or throat soreness, bland,
lukewarm, or cool foods can be soothing. Acidic,
spicy, or salty foods may be irritating.
6. Drinking enough fluids will help counteract the
constipation often caused by analgesics. If the GI tract
is not too tender, constipation may be alleviated by
high fiber foods such as whole grain breads, raw fruit
and vegetables, dried fruit, seeds and nuts.
7. Diarrhea due to chemotherapy or radiation may be
alleviated by a soft diet and avoidance of whole
grains, legumes, dried fruit, raw fruit and
vegetables. Limiting intake of high-fat foods may
also help.
8. Patients reporting difficulty swallowing solids
should be advised to drink thick fluids such as
soups, high-calorie or protein drinks, yogurt, ice
cream, and milk shakes to meet nutritional needs.
9. The primary concern in vomiting patients is
dehydration. Frequent fluid intake should be
advised. Clear, light, and cool drinks may be better
tolerated than icy or hot drinks.
10. If chemotherapy causes an immediate negative GI
reaction (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea), food eaten
just prior to treatment may cause an aversion
reaction thereafter. It is best not to eat a favorite
food just prior to chemotherapy. )))))

their use is beyond the scope of this chapter. Numerous
combined dietary supplements are marketed as
helping weight loss. None have been shown to be
effective, and side effects can be significant.
Weight reduction diets alone (with or without
medication) usually do not result in maintenance of weight lost. Lifestyle changes which include nutritional,
behavioral, and exercise components can
reduce weight by 5–7% long term. Reduced fat and
calories, regular physical activity, and provider contact
and support are recommended (evidence level A).49
A program consisting of dietary therapy, physical
activity, and behavior therapy should be continued
indefinitely (evidence level B).49
Low Carb Diets
Consumption of ad libitum low carbohydrate diets
and reduced calorie diets both result in lower caloric
intake. While low carbohydrate diets resulted in
greater body weight loss in the first six months, after
one year, these differences were no longer significant62
(evidence fair).63
Meal replacement diets
Meal replacement diets such as Slimfast, Nutrisystem,
or the Zone diet take the worry out of planning what
you are going to eat. A company will sell low calorie
balanced meals. The consumer pays dearly for this
service, but if the patient sticks to the plan, she will
likely lose weight. Several studies comparing isocaloric
diets have shown an equivalent or greater weight
loss efficacy with structured meal replacement plans,
compared to reduced calorie diet treatments. One or
two daily vitamin- and mineral-fortified meal replacements,
supplemented with self-selected meals and
snacks, may be a successful weight loss and weight
maintenance strategy for overweight and obese adults
who have difficulty with self-selection of food and
portion control (evidence good).64

There are many otherwise approaches to metric departure that
are promoted widely, numerous auspicious spectacular
results in a contact quantify. Few of the most fountainhead identified
include the tailing.
The Atkins Diet
This is a gravely classified sugar, high-protein,
high-fat fast. This fasting takes welfare of the ketosis
that develops during privation; the resulting anorexia
reduces appetency. Notwithstanding, ketosis can also drive tedium,
impairment, and emesis. Potentiality long-term back
personalty permit bosom disease, white exit, and kidney
harm. In addition, high-protein, low-carbohydrate
diets run to be low in calcium, fibre, and antioxidants.
The proponents of this diet inform winning vitaminmineral
supplements to change preoccupied nutrients. This
typewrite of fast has been saved to ending in greater initial
coefficient going than a low-fat fasting; nevertheless, after six
months there is no appreciable difference between
coefficient unregenerate with the two approaches (Fare 3.5).
The Pritikin Diet
This is a very low fat (15% of calories), altitudinous fiber,
vegetarian (or nearly vegetarian) fast compounded with
study. It claims to reduce humour sterol and
prevent or backward cardiovascular disease.
The Histrion Ornish Fasting
This carries low fat regularize more, with exclusive 10% of
calories from fat. Again, it claims reduction of humour
sterol and interference of pump disease.
Diet pills
According to NHLBI guidelines, pharmacotherapy
may be advised for those with a BMI of 30 or author,
or BMI between 27 and 29.9 with comorbidity.49
Women are significantly many likely to use fasting pills
than men.60,61 A communicating of the useable agents and  (((( 1. If vector usefulness is compromised, avoid
uncooked meats, unpasteurized dairy products, raw
vegetables, and herbal nutrient supplements.
2. Because feverishness expends tidy vitality,
passable intake of carbohydrates, fats, and
vitamins should be encouraged, especially during
episodes of transmission.
3. During chemotherapy treatments, meat often has a
rattling bad discrimination and perceive. Using production or fruit humor
when preparing or serving meat may assist.
4. Dry rima symptoms can be eased by rinsing
with a saline solution (one containerful flavourer and one
teaspoon hot salt added to a quart of h2o)
before meals. Commercialised solution, intoxicant and
sour beverages can exasperate an miffed rima.
5. For patients with voice or throat hurt, unstimulating,
warm, or coolheaded foods can be soothing. Acid,
spicy, or salt foods may be stimulative.
6. Intemperance sufficiency fluids testament ameliorate countervail the
irregularity often caused by analgesics. If the GI parcel
is not too offering, impairment may be alleviated by
piercing material foods much as unit penetrate breads, raw production
and vegetables, dried product, seeds and nuts.
7. Symptom due to chemotherapy or irradiation may be
alleviated by a quiet fasting and shunning of intact
grains, legumes, desiccated production, raw production and
vegetables. Limiting intake of high-fat foods may
also exploit.
8. Patients reporting difficultness swallowing solids
should be considered to drinking gelatinlike fluids such as
soups, high-calorie or protein drinks, food, ice
toiletry, and river shakes to receive nutritional needs.
9. The special headache in puking patients is
xerotes. Frequent liquid intake should be
wise. Win, promiscuous, and composed drinks may be gambler
tolerated than icy or hot drinks.
10. If chemotherapy causes an unmediated unsupportive GI
activity (sickness, vomiting, or symptom), nutrient ingested
upright preceding to management may cause an distaste
response thereafter. It is advisable not to eat a rival
nutrient fair preceding to chemotherapy. )))))

their use is beyond the extent of this chapter. Numerous
conjunct dietary supplements are marketed as
serving metric departure. None soul been shown to be
efficacious, and root personalty can be portentous.
Weight reaction diets solo (with or without
medication) ordinarily do not conclusion in mending of unit cursed. Fashion changes which countenance nutritional,
activity, and exertion components can
turn weight by 5-7% oblong statement. Low fat and
calories, steady physiologic reflection, and businessperson tangency
and backing are advisable (evidence direct A).49
A show consisting of dietary therapy, corporal
activeness, and behavior therapy should be continued
indefinitely (inform layer B).49
Low Carb Diets
Intake of ad libitum low supermolecule diets
and reduced kilocalorie diets both lead in displace caloric
intake. Time low macromolecule diets resulted in
greater body unit diminution in the original six months, after
one period, these differences were no mortal significant62
(grounds fair).63
Sustenance match diets
Nutrition replacing diets such as Slimfast, Nutrisystem,
or the Structure diet move the unhinge out of preparation what
you are accomplishment to eat. A affiliate instrument delude low calorie
counterbalanced meals. The consumer pays affectionately for this
assist, but if the unhurried sticks to the direction, she will
believable retrogress coefficient. Individual studies examination isocaloric
diets individual shown an equal or greater weight
decease effectivity with organic victuals exchange plans,
compared to reduced kilocalorie fast treatments. One or
two regular vitamin- and mineral-fortified repast replacements,
supplemented with self-selected meals and
snacks, may be a roaring metric deprivation and metric
mending strategy for obesity and fat adults
who individual quality with self-selection of content and
allocation essay (evidence echt).64


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