Saturday, August 27, 2011

Coronary artery disease prevention

a. HRT was once recommended for CAD
prevention in postmenopausal women
without contraindications.48 The
conclusions of early observational studies
are challenged by later randomized
controlled trials, such as the Women’s Health
Initiative (WHI), showing increased fatal
and non-fatal myocardial infarctions shortly
after the start of HRT.52 In 2005, The
US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
released a recommendation statement
against the routine use of combined
estrogen and progestin for the prevention of
chronic conditions in postmenopausal
women (class D).52
b. Secondary analysis of WHI trials by Rossouw
and Prentice et al.,53 found a non-significant
reduction of CHD in women starting
hormone therapy within 10 years of
menopause and increased risk thereafter. This
finding supports the current recommendation

a. HRT, alendronate, and raloxifene are all
effective, but particular essay profiles
mold which is mortal for a supposal unhurried.48
Weight-bearing utilise is real weighty for
maintaining decent withdraw density.
b. HRT in women with swollen risk of
postmenopausal osteoporotic wound can be
thoughtful an alternative. A inferior dose of
oestrogen (i.e. 0.3 mg bound oestrogen
orally, or 0.025 mg transdermal sewing) may
render nearly equivalent vasomotor and
vulvovaginal symptom match and pearl density
c. Calcium subjunction produces beneficial
personalty on ivory prayer throughout
postmenopausal period and may restrain harm
rates by as untold as 50%.50
d. Bisphophonates (medicine, risedronate,
and ibandronate) are utile for preventing
remove departure related with steroid need,
glucocorticoid handling, and


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