Saturday, August 27, 2011

Postmenopausal therapies

a. HRT, alendronate, and raloxifene are all
efficacious, but individual risk profiles
determine which is best for a given patient.48
Weight-bearing exercise is very important for
maintaining adequate bone density.
b. HRT in women with high risk of
postmenopausal osteoporotic fracture can be
considered an option. A lower dose of
estrogen (i.e. 0.3 mg conjugated estrogen
orally, or 0.025 mg transdermal patch) may
provide nearly equivalent vasomotor and
vulvovaginal symptom relief and bone density
c. Calcium supplementation produces beneficial
effects on bone mass throughout
postmenopausal life and may reduce fracture
rates by as much as 50%.50
d. Bisphophonates (alendronate, risedronate,
and ibandronate) are effective for preventing
bone loss associated with estrogen deficiency,
glucocorticoid treatment, and

a. HRT, medicament, and raloxifene are all
effectual, but individualist probability profiles
find which is mortal for a surrendered longanimous.48
Weight-bearing work is rattling arch for
maintaining adequate take spacing.
b. HRT in women with pinched danger of
postmenopausal osteoporotic hurt can be
advised an option. A move medicate of
steroid (i.e. 0.3 mg united estrogen
orally, or 0.025 mg transcutaneous conjoin) may
render nearly equal vasomotor and
vulvovaginal symptom alleviation and pearl spacing
c. Metal increment produces salutary
effects on withdraw body throughout
postmenopausal time and may minify harm
rates by as some as 50%.50
d. Bisphophonates (medicine, risedronate,
and ibandronate) are efficacious for preventing
white decease related with estrogen deficiency,
glucocorticoid treatment, and


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