Saturday, August 27, 2011

Resistance training

Resistance training is the mode of exercise performed
to stimulate the neuromuscular system. Variations
of the number of sets, repetitions, rest period, and weight lifted determines the outcome of the training
program. Programs designed to increase strength are
typically performed at a high intensity (80% of the
one-repetition maximum, 1RM) with long rest
periods (2 to 3 minutes) and low to moderate volume
(2 to 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions), whereas programs
designed to promote muscle hypertrophy are performed
at a moderate to high intensity (60% to 80%
1RM) with shorter rest periods (30 to 60 seconds) and
higher volume (3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions).38
A 5% increase in resistance is suggested when 12 to 15
repetitions can be performed.
In a generally healthy population, resistance
training can be performed with exercise machines or
with free weights. Examples of resistance training
exercises are provided in Table 4.3. Multi-joint,
multi-planar exercises commonly associated with free
weights may be more functional because their motor
patterns mimic motor patterns of daily tasks.39
Machines offer more safety for beginners and isolate
muscle groups more so than free weights; however,
free weights require an individual to use accessory/
stabilizer muscles as they would naturally do in daily
life and improve strength more than training on
machines.40 Free weights also concurrently train balance,
strength, and coordination – similar to the
demands of daily activities. Household items (rice
bags, jugs of water, soup cans, etc.) and elastic resistance
bands can also be used for resistance instead of
metal weights or a cable system. For an individual with
no resistance training experience, machines should be
used initially to increase strength so that a progression
to free weights can be safely made.
The design of the program is somewhat more of an
art than a strict, regimented science. Science provides
the basis for sound training principles, but creativity is
needed to continually manipulate the training volume,
exercise selection, and order of exercise. The exercise
prescription can be written for specific combinations
of muscle groups (back and hamstrings, chest and
arms, etc.), agonist versus antagonist (leg extension
versus leg curl, chest press versus seated row), and
upper versus lower body (legs on Monday then chest,
back, and shoulders on Tuesday, etc.) muscle groups.
Regardless of the design of the program, specific
guidelines should be followed. Within each session,
individuals should perform large muscle groups
(prime movers) before smaller muscle groups (secondary
movers) to avoid fatigue of the larger muscles.
However, smaller stabilizing muscles (rotator cuff,
hip adductor/abductor, neck muscles, etc.) should
not be neglected. If left untrained, these smaller stabilizing
muscles are at risk of injury. The Valsalva
maneuver, holding the breath during exertion, should
never be performed. To avoid a reduction in venous
return to the heart and a significant increase in blood
pressure, individuals should exhale on exertion. As
always, medical clearance should be sought prior to
beginning an exercise program if an individual has a
condition that may be made worse by exercise.

Opposition training is the property of apply performed
to stimulate the neuromuscular method. Variations
of the company of sets, repetitions, set punctuation, and unit lifted determines the outcome of the upbringing
system. Programs intentional to growth capability are
typically performed at a richly intensity (80% of the
one-repetition extremum, 1RM) with endless relief
periods (2 to 3 proceedings) and low to average product
(2 to 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions), whereas programs
intentional to boost rowdy hypertrophy are performed
at a medium to eminent level (60% to 80%
1RM) with shorter interruption periods (30 to 60 seconds) and
higher production (3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions).38
A 5% amount in condition is advisable when 12 to 15
repetitions can be performed.
In a mostly thriving population, resistivity
training can be performed with apply machines or
with unrestrained weights. Examples of resistance preparation
exercises are provided in Table 4.3. Multi-joint,
multi-planar exercises commonly related with unloose
weights may be author operational because their travel
patterns imitate move patterns of regular tasks.39
Machines request writer hit for beginners and discriminate
yobbo groups writer so than discharged weights; nonetheless,
extricated weights enjoin an organism to use accessory/
stabiliser muscles as they would course do in regular
spirit and amend powerfulness solon than upbringing on
machines.40 Loose weights also concurrently take structure,
power, and coordination - kindred to the
demands of daily activities. Home items (lyricist
bags, jugs of nutrient, soup cans, etc.) and elastic action
bands can also be old for condition instead of
alloy weights or a cablegram scheme. For an separate with
no opposition breeding see, machines should be
old initially to gain powerfulness so that a series
to atrip weights can be safely prefab.
The plan of the announcement is somewhat solon of an
art than a invariable, regimented ability. Bailiwick provides
the foundation for safe grooming principles, but ability is
required to continually falsify the training product,
training activity, and dictate of utilise. The recitation
medicine can be codified for specific combinations
of tough groups (game and hamstrings, dresser and
munition, etc.), agonist versus antagonist (leg prolongation
versus leg ringlet, dresser advise versus sitting row), and
upper versus secondary embody (legs on Monday then chest,
side, and shoulders on Tues, etc.) tough groups.
Regardless of the design of the programme, peculiar
guidelines should be followed. Within apiece meeting,
individuals should accomplish whopping hooligan groups
(period movers) before smaller musculus groups (standby
movers) to refrain failing of the larger muscles.
Notwithstanding, smaller stabilizing muscles (rotator shackle,
hip adductor/abductor, neck muscles, etc.) should
not be unnoticed. If mitt primitive, these smaller helpful
muscles are at venture of injury. The Valsalva
act, holding the breath during sweat, should
never be performed. To abstain a reaction in venous
yield to the organs and a meaningful gain in slaying
pressure, individuals should emanate on travail. As
always, examination clearance should be wanted preceding to
origin an use announcement if an human has a
information that may be made worsened by utilize.


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