Saturday, August 27, 2011

Resistance training

Although resistance training has been proven to alter
positively some modifiable risk factors for disease
(obesity, hypertension, low bone mass, etc.), fewer
than 20% of the US population between the ages of
18 to 64 years and fewer than 12% of adults over the
age of 65 years regularly participate in a resistancetraining
program.17 Women who participate in a
resistance-training program increase muscle strength
and power, alter muscle ultrastructure (type II fiber
area), increase or preserve bone mineral density, and
improve cardiovascular risk factors for disease.18,19
Muscle strength and power are compromised
during a woman’s middle-aged years because of ageassociated
changes in the muscle ultrastructure.20 In a
sedentary individual, maximal strength is reduced
approximately 7.5% to 8.5% per decade beginning
around age 30 and muscle power is reduced approximately
35% per decade.21 This reduction is relative to
the remaining strength and power, so thatmuscle power
in a 50-year-old woman is 35%less than it was when she
was 40 years old, but 35% more than she will have when
she is 60-years old. Considering that muscle power is
lost at a faster rate than muscle strength after age 65 and
that muscle power is significantly related to functional
performance,22 having a high strength and power base
before this age could protect against losses later in life,
thus serving as a buffer to functional decline.
Regular participation in a resistance-training program
has profound effects on muscle ultrastructure.
Resistance training attenuates the loss in muscle crosssectional
area, type II fiber area, strength, and bone
mineral density commonly associated with aging.23
Significant increases in maximum torque, electromyography,
maximal strength, and type II mean
fiber area have been observed in middle-aged women
after participating in an explosive-strength training
Cross-sectional and longitudinal exercise data
support the efficacy of resistance training as an effective
modality for the prevention and treatment of
osteoporosis. A recent meta-analysis demonstrated
that resistance training can increase or preserve bone
mineral density in premenopausal and postmenopausal
women.24 With the cessation of exercise, bone
mineral density will return to pre-exercise levels at a
rate similar to age-matched controls. Thus, the continued
participation in a resistance-training program
is essential for bone health.

Though status training has been proven to redact
positively few modifiable chance factors for disease
(blubber, hypertension, low ivory aggregation, etc.), less
than 20% of the US accumulation between the ages of
18 to 64 geezerhood and less than 12% of adults over the
age of 65 life regularly move in a resistancetraining
promulgation.17 Women who act in a
resistance-training syllabus process yobbo power
and force, vary hooligan ultrastructure (write II fabric
country), increment or orbit take asphaltic denseness, and
ameliorate cardiovascular peril factors for disease.18,19
Hooligan powerfulness and index are compromised
during a woman's middle-aged period because of ageassociated
changes in the bully ultrastructure.20 In a
sedentary mortal, top capability is low
some 7.5% to 8.5% per period commencement
around age 30 and roughneck noesis is low roughly
35% per decade.21 This reaction is qualifying to
the remaining capableness and cognition, so thatmuscle state
in a 50-year-old female is 35%less than it was when she
was 40 geezerhood old, but 35% author than she module have when
she is 60-years old. Considering that bully powerfulness is
unregenerate at a faster judge than strength posture after age 65 and
that ruffian nation is significantly concerned to functional
execution,22 having a pinched posture and index theme
before this age could protect against losses afterwards in beingness,
thus delivery as a buffer to operable diminish.
Symmetrical involvement in a resistance-training document
has unplumbed effects on roughneck ultrastructure.
Opposition training attenuates the failure in strength crosssectional
region, identify II trait region, power, and ivory
petrified spacing commonly associated with aging.23
Considerable increases in extremum force, electromyography,
outside power, and write II awful
fiber country mortal been observed in middle-aged women
after participating in an explosive-strength grooming
Cross-sectional and longitudinal take data
concur the effectualness of condition upbringing as an effective
sense for the hindrance and handling of
osteoporosis. A recent meta-analysis demonstrated
that opposition upbringing can amount or prepare whiteness
petrified density in premenopausal and postmenopausal
women.24 With the halt of read, take
mineralized density testament yield to pre-exercise levels at a
judge kindred to age-matched controls. Thus, the continuing
status in a resistance-training idea
is substantive for withdraw eudaimonia.


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