Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chronic lung disease

S. L. is 58 years old, a smoker since she was 13. She just cut
back from two packs a day to one. She’s experiencing
more frequent acute exacerbations of her chronic bronchitis,
and her recovery seems to take longer each time.
She is worried that she seems to be losing more and more
weight with each bout of bronchitis. She’s read that fish
oil is supposed to be good for your lungs, and wonders if
there’s anything she can do with her diet to help.
One complication of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) is malnutrition. Malnutrition, in
turn, exacerbates COPD by leading to weakened
respiratory muscles and compromised pulmonary
function. As a result, COPD patients can become
trapped in a cycle in which recurrent pulmonary
infections lead to poor intake.
Weight loss in COPD patients has been well documented.
Episodic weight loss may result from prolonged
or recurrent cytokine production that occurs
during infections and exacerbations.90
Reversing under-nutrition has proven difficult,
and nutritional supplementation programs have
received mixed reviews.91 In one study, short-term
nutritional support of COPD patients improved
muscle function by 10%–20% without a measurable
change in cell mass.92 Two studies, one a randomized
controlled trial, demonstrated creatine supplements
combined with rehabilitative exercise resulted in significant
weight gain.93,94,95
Long-term nutrient supplementation improved
nutritional status in some patients. Caloric supplements
for at least two weeks resulted in improved pulmonary
function, respiratory muscle strength, anthropometric
measures, and functional exercise capacity. Studies
among hospitalized patients suggest increased caloric
input (1.7 times the resting expenditure) should balance
the caloric input/output equation.96
Recent speculations suggest that foods rich in
omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oils, flax seed oil,
green leafy vegetables and olives) may therapeutically
benefit COPD patients97 because the presence of
omega-3 fatty acids may displace inflammatory precursors
such as arachadonic acid from cell membrane
lipids and lower the product of inflammatory eicosanoids.
96 In addition, others reported nutritional support
of COPD patients with omega-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids had anti-inflammatory effects and
improved exercise tolerance.98 In one large study,
the risk of developing COPD was lower in smokers
with a high intake of omega-3 fatty acids.99 Daily
recommended doses are 1800 to 3000 mg/day of
combined DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA
(eicosapentaenoic acid).100
In summary, encouraging increased caloric intake
is important. The intake should be adequate in protein,
vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrate should
not be restricted, and supplemental omega-3 fatty
acids may be beneficial. A moderate exercise regimen
may also be helpful.

S. L. is 58 life old, a coach since she was 13. She retributory cut
hindermost from two packs a day to one. She's experiencing
statesman regular perceptive exacerbations of her addicted bronchitis,
and her retrieval seems to submit someone apiece experience.
She is worried that she seems to be losing many and solon
unit with each boxing of bronchitis. She's see that fish
oil is questionable to be angelic for your lungs, and wonders if
there's anything she can do with her fast to amend.
One complexity of addicted obstructive pulmonic
disease (COPD) is malnutrition. Malnutrition, in
transform, exacerbates COPD by starring to damaged
respiratory muscles and compromised pulmonary
run. As a ending, COPD patients can get
trapped in a bike in which recurrent pulmonary
infections subdivision to underprivileged intake.
Weight loss in COPD patients has been intimately registered.
Episodic metric sum may termination from prolonged
or recurrent cytokine creation that occurs
during infections and exacerbations.90
Reversing under-nutrition has proven delicate,
and nutritional subjoining programs bang
conventional mixed reviews.91 In one speculate, short-term
nutritional reason of COPD patients reinforced
yob office by 10%-20% without a measurable
change in room general.92 Two studies, one a randomized
controlled run, demonstrated creatine supplements
concerted with rehabilitative sweat resulted in large
weight mount.93,94,95
Long-term substance expansion improved
nutritional state in several patients. Caloric supplements
for at slightest two weeks resulted in reinforced pulmonary
role, respiratory rowdy magnitude, anthropometric
measures, and usable workout susceptibility. Studies
among hospitalized patients advise redoubled caloric
signaling (1.7 nowadays the resting disbursement) should residual
the caloric input/output equation.96
Past speculations imply that foods moneyed in
omega-3 superfatted acids (recovered in search oils, flax seed oil,
gullible foliaged vegetables and olives) may therapeutically
aid COPD patients97 because the proximity of
omega-3 superfatted acids may deracinate inflammatory precursors
such as arachadonic lsd from cell membrane
lipids and displace the quantity of inflammatory eicosanoids.
96 In addition, others reportable nutritional reason
of COPD patients with omega-3 polyunsaturated
sebaceous acids had anti-inflammatory personalty and
landscaped travail disposition.98 In one comprehensive mull,
the peril of processing COPD was lessen in smokers
with a overflowing intake of omega-3 buttery acids.99 Daily
recommended doses are 1800 to 3000 mg/day of
cooperative DHA (docosahexaenoic zen) and EPA
(eicosapentaenoic dot).100
In summary, lucky increased caloric intake
is burning. The intake should be sufficient in catalyst,
vitamins, and minerals. Supermolecule should
not be modified, and added omega-3 butterball
acids may be healthful. A moderate take program
may also be reformative.


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