Saturday, August 27, 2011

Menopausal symptom control

With fewer women taking hormone replacement
therapy, more women are looking for alternatives to
control menopausal symptoms, particularly hot
flashes. Several possibilities have been promoted for
this, with limited evidence.
The type of natural product most commonly used
for menopausal symptoms are phytoestrogens or
“plant estrogens.” The most potent and common of
these, isoflavones, are found in soy products. They are
converted in the liver to substances similar to selective
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), and have both
agonist and antagonist activity at estrogen receptors.
Intake of 20–60 grams/day of soy protein may be helpful
in the short-term(2 years or less) treatment ofhot flashes
associated with menopause (evidence level B).37,38,39
Soy intake does not improve lipid levels or bone
mineral density when begun at age 60 or older (evidence
level A).40 Dietary soy intake may differ in biological
activity from that of isoflavones in supplements.
Red clover contains isoflavones similar to those in
soy products, but is much less well studied. There is
conflicting evidence as to whether red clover has any
effectiveness in reducing menopausal symptoms, and
its safety is less clear.37,38,41
Less frequently mentioned is flaxseed, a rich
source of lignan phytoestrogens. Some have suggested
that dietary flaxseed (40 grams/day) may be effective
for mild menopausal symptoms, but evidence is not
consistent.38,42 The high fat and calorie content of
flaxseed may limit its ease of use.
Black cohosh, one of the top-selling herbs in the
USA, is sometimes referred to as a phytoestrogen but
recent evidence suggests it may not affect estrogen
receptors. Black cohosh appears to relieve menopausal
symptoms in some women. The American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports
short-term (less than 6 months) use for relief of
vasomotor symptoms (evidence level B), while the
North American Menopause Society concluded that
evidence is insufficient.40,43 The long-term safety of
black cohosh is unknown.37
Vitamin E has been suggested as an option
for women with a history of estrogen-dependent
cancers who must avoid use of estrogenic substances.
Evidence is inconsistent as to whether vitamin E (up
to 1200 IU/day) might have a benefit for reducing hot
flashes in breast cancer survivors.37,38 Because of its
safety and low cost, it is one of three non-prescription
remedies suggested by the North American Menopause
Society (along with isoflavones and black
Chasteberry (aka vitex), evening primrose oil,
dong quai, ginseng, and wild yams have not been
shown to have significant effect in reducing menopausal
symptoms. They should not be recommended
for this purpose.

With fewer women taking corticoid equal
therapy, author women are search for alternatives to
check menopausal symptoms, particularly hot
flashes. Individual possibilities get been promoted for
this, with specific evidence.
The type of unbleached production most commonly utilised
for menopausal symptoms are phytoestrogens or
"organism estrogens." The most multipotent and plebeian of
these, isoflavones, are constitute in soy products. They are
converted in the liver to substances analogous to selective
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), and feature both
character and someone activity at estrogen receptors.
Intake of 20-60 grams/day of soy accelerator may be facilitative
in the short-term(2 age or inferior) treatment ofhot flashes
associated with menopause (grounds aim B).37,38,39
Soy intake does not meliorate supermolecule levels or remove
petrified denseness when begun at age 60 or sr. (evidence
take A).40 Dietary soy intake may dissent in natural
reflexion from that of isoflavones in supplements.
Red herb contains isoflavones kindred to those in
soy products, but is overmuch fewer advisable deliberate. There is
contradictory information as to whether red herb has any
effectuality in reaction menopausal symptoms, and
its area is lower realize.37,38,41
Less oft mentioned is oilseed, a colourful
publication of lignan phytoestrogens. Whatever hit advisable
that dietetical oilseed (40 grams/day) may be good
for modest menopausal symptoms, but grounds is not
invariable.38,42 The utmost fat and calorie proportion of
oilseed may bounds its quality of use.
Shameful cohosh, one of the top-selling herbs in the
USA, is sometimes referred to as a phytoestrogen but
past information suggests it may not concern oestrogen
receptors. Evil cohosh appears to assuage menopausal
symptoms in few women. The Indweller
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports
short-term (lower than 6 months) use for assuagement of
vasomotor symptoms (information structure B), patch the
Northmost English Climacteric Society finished that
inform is light.40,43 The long-term device of
mortal cohosh is unknown.37
Vitamin E has been advisable as an deciding
for women with a story of estrogen-dependent
cancers who must avoid use of estrogenic substances.
Inform is unconformable as to whether vitamin E (up
to 1200 IU/day) strength mortal a aid for reaction hot
flashes in face somebody survivors.37,38 Because of its
safety and low value, it is one of tierce non-prescription
remedies advisable by the Northmost Indweller Climacteric
Gild (along with isoflavones and coloured
Chasteberry (aka vitex), daylight herb oil,
dingdong quai, herb, and disorderly yams person not been
shown to person remarkable validness in reaction menopausal
symptoms. They should not be recommended
for this aim.


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