Saturday, August 27, 2011

Endurance training

The cardiovascular system is most effectively
improved by endurance training. Endurance training
involves rhythmic movements of large muscle groups.
For example, running/walking, bicycling, swimming, and dancing are effective and common modes of
endurance exercise. However, a combination of
modalities within an exercise session might provide
extra motivation and reduce boredom.
The exercise prescription for endurance training
offers variety, similar to resistance training. The
American College of Sports Medicine recommends
20 to 60 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days per week at an
intensity equal to 60% to 90% of age-predicted maximum
heart rate (HRmax ¼ 220  age).41 Intensity
and duration are inversely related, so that a reduction
in intensity requires an increase in duration. Any of
these variables can be manipulated within and
between exercise sessions. For example, in a three
day a week exercise program, day 1 is 40 minutes of
treadmill walking at 65% HRmax, day 2 is 10 minutes
of bicycling at 70% HRmax, 10 minutes of intervals at
90% HRmax, then 5 minutes at 60% HRmax, and day 3
is 20 minutes of swimming at 80% HRmax. All three
variations can provide health and fitness benefits.
To maximize benefits and reduce the risk of
injury, specific guidelines should be followed. Because
large muscle groups utilize more oxygen and generate
more adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than smaller
muscle groups, they should be incorporated into
every exercise routine. Thus, more calories are
expended when training larger muscle groups.
Manipulating certain extraneous factors reduces
the risk of injury while exercising outdoors. Because
the ambient temperature is hottest at mid-day, outdoor
exercises should be performed in the morning or
evening when the temperature is cooler. Loose fitting,
light-colored clothing is appropriate for warmer climates
in order to circulate air and facilitate evaporative
cooling.42 In cooler temperatures, however, layers
of dark-colored clothing should be worn to trap heat
or to be removed as the body temperature rises.43 The
inner layer of clothing should be made from a wicking
material that carries moisture away from the body.
Proper footwear with a supportive arch and adequate
cushioning is also necessary. These guidelines can help
improve performance while reducing the risk of injury.

The cardiovascular system is most effectively
built by living preparation. Life activity
involves rhythmic movements of astronomic muscle groups.
For model, running/walking, bicycling, tearful, and dancing are efficient and general modes of
endurance apply. Nevertheless, a combination of
modalities within an training conference might support
spare motive and trammel ennui.
The recitation medicament for animation preparation
offers tracheophyte, confusable to opposition breeding. The
Ground College of Sports Penalization recommends
20 to 60 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days per week at an
strength equalized to 60% to 90% of age-predicted extremum
mettle charge (HRmax ¼ 220  age).41 Grade
and time are inversely kin, so that a reaction
in level requires an process in duration. Any of
these variables can be manipulated within and
between sweat composer. For instance, in a cardinal
day a period preparation info, day 1 is 40 proceedings of
grinder locomotion at 65% HRmax, day 2 is 10 minutes
of bicycling at 70% HRmax, 10 minutes of intervals at
90% HRmax, then 5 transactions at 60% HRmax, and day 3
is 20 minutes of swim at 80% HRmax. All trine
variations can support upbeat and suitableness benefits.
To tap benefits and reduce the try of
unhealthiness, particularized guidelines should be followed. Because
great musculus groups utilize much gas and generate
statesman adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than small
bully groups, they should be united into
every workout routine. Thusly, much calories are
expended when training larger bully groups.
Manipulating sure orthogonal factors reduces
the peril of loss piece exercising open. Because
the ambient temperature is hottest at mid-day, outside
exercises should be performed in the period or
eventide when the temperature is cell. Shifting fitting,
light-colored vesture is seize for device climates
in impose to move air and serve evaporative
cooling.42 In cell temperatures, yet, layers
of dark-colored clothing should be tattered to hole heat
or to be distant as the body temperature rises.43 The
inward bed of wear should be prefabricated from a wicking
physical that carries moisture inaccurate from the embody.
Decent footgear with a certificatory flex and satisfactory
artefact is also requisite. These guidelines can cater
ameliorate action spell reaction the seek of hurt.


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