Saturday, August 27, 2011

Weight concerns

M. B. is a 51-year-old woman who presents asking for
advice on how to lose weight. She is 5 feet, 4 inches tall
and weighs 190 pounds (BMI ¼ 33). She’s been overweight
all her life; everyone in her family is heavy. She’s
tried Weight Watchers, the Atkins diet, and several
others. Sometimes she loses weight, but she always gains
it back. She wonders if there’s a way for her to really lose
weight, or if it is hopeless at this point in her life.
Obesity is one of the most important public health
problems in the USA. The combined prevalence of
overweight and obesity (defined asBMI greater or equal
to 25) in American adults is 65.1%.45 The prevalence of
obesity (defined as BMI greater than or equal to 30) increased 61%between 1991 and 2000. According to the
latest figures, 30.4% of adults are obese.45
Strong evidence supports an association between
obesity and increased morbidity and mortality.
Research has linked excessive weight and body fat to
metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, hypertension,
and coronary artery disease.46
A recent review of the literature examined the
relative risk of obesity in older Americans.47 Assessment
of 32 longitudinal analyses of weight-related
health concluded that obesity increases risk for
cardiovascular disease, some cancers and impaired
mobility, but protects against hip fracture.
As people age, the association between obesity
and mortality declines. Nonetheless, in developing
evidence-based guidelines for the treatment of obesity,
a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
expert panel assumed that for most adults, the beneficial
effects of weight loss exceed potential risks.48
Weight loss is specifically recommended in the circumstances
listed in Table 3.4 (all evidence level A).
The NHLBI guidelines recommend a two-step
process of assessment and management. Treatment
is recommended for patients with a BMI of 25–29.9
or a high waist circumference, if they have two or
more risk factors. Patients with a BMI of 30 or more
should receive treatment regardless of risk factors.
The initial goal for weight loss should be to reduce
body weight by 10% from baseline (evidence level A).
With success, further loss can be attempted if warranted.
A combined intervention including caloric
reduction, increased physical activity, and behavior
therapy is recommended as most effective.49
The key to weight control lies in the first concept of
the normal healthy diet: balancing intake and output. In
order to lose weight, one must burn off more calories
than are taken in. If calories in (i.e. dietary intake) are
less than calories out (energy expenditure), then the
result will be weight loss. As long as the body’s minimal
requirements are met for protein, water, vitamins, and
minerals, reducing calories below maintenance level
should allow for safe weight reduction.
This again raises the unbreakable link with activity
levels: the less active a person is, the less they can eat
without gaining weight. Physical activity is recommended
as part of a comprehensive weight control
program because it contributes to weight loss (evidence
level A), may decrease abdominal fat (evidence
level B), increases cardiorespiratory fitness (evidence
level A), and may help with maintenance of weight
loss (evidence level C).49 Encouraging patients to be
physically active to become as healthy as they can be
(no matter what their weight) is more effective than
telling them to exercise in order to lose weight.
The simplest approach to caloric reduction is
reducing portion size. Caloric deficits are additive
over time; decreasing intake by only 100 calories per
day (the equivalent of half a large cookie) will result in
loss of 10 pounds over a year. The NHLBI panel
recommended a deficit of 500–1000 kcal/day to
achieve a weight loss of 1–2 pounds per week (evidence
level A). Simply taking in less at each meal can
make a significant impact over time. Combining this
with an increase in activity amplifies the effect.
Reducing excessive dietary fat can also help. Fat
has more than twice the number of calories per gram
of either protein or carbohydrate. By replacing fatty
foods with less fatty ones, the amount of calories is
decreased even without decreasing the portion size.
For example, half a cup of potatoes with 1 teaspoon of
butter or margarine has about 110 calories; without
the added fat (butter or margarine) the potatoes have
only 65 calories. Reducing dietary fat alone, without
reducing total caloric intake, is not sufficient to create
weight loss (evidence category A).
There is fair evidence that eating breakfast aids in
weight management by helping to control appetite and
reducing overall caloric intake. Thus, one recommendation
to patients could be to eat a small breakfast every
morning to help them control and reduce overall appetite.
The prevalence of skipping breakfast ranges from
3.6 to 25%50,51,52 and is associated with both higher BMI
and increased risk of obesity, even though patients report
lower energy intakes.53 Two randomized controlled
trials show that those who eat breakfast have less impulsive
snacking and less consumption later in the day.54,55
People at normal weight and those whomaintain weight
loss usually eat a breakfast of high-fiber cereal with
about 20%of their daily energy intake.3,56 However, high
calorie breakfasts are associated with higher BMI.1,57 In addition, there have been many studies on low
glycemic index diets versus low calorie diets that
are high in glycemic index. Glycemic index is the
term used for the relative rise in glucose following the
intake of 100 grams of carbohydrate from different
types of food (e.g. processed mashed potatoes (a high
glycemic food) versus high fiber, natural rolled oats). In
general, there are no consistent differences between
high- and low-glycemic diets, but some studies have
found that there are differences in the patient’s appetite
and/or reduction in abdominal obesity (Grade III).

M. B. is a 51-year-old woman who presents asking for
advice on how to worsen coefficient. She is 5 feet, 4 inches tallish
and weighs 190 pounds (BMI ¼ 33). She's been stoutness
all her life; everyone in her clan is troubling. She's
reliable Metric Watchers, the Atkins fasting, and various
others. Sometimes she loses coefficient, but she ever gains
it backrest. She wonders if there's a way for her to really worsen
metric, or if it is resigned at this show in her brio.
Avoirdupois is one of the most beta people health
problems in the USA. The combined number of
fleshiness and blubber (characterised asBMI greater or equalized
to 25) in Indweller adults is 65.1%.45 The prevalence of
fatness (definite as BMI greater than or person to 30) augmented 61%between 1991 and 2000. According to the
current figures, 30.4% of adults are obese.45
Strong inform supports an association between
blubber and exaggerated mortality and mortality.
Investigate has linked excessive coefficient and body fat to
metabolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, hypertension,
and coronary arteria disease.46
A recent inspect of the literature examined the
person assay of fatness in experienced Americans.47 Sorting
of 32 longitudinal analyses of weight-related
welfare finished that fat increases essay for
cardiovascular disease, some cancers and vitiated
mobility, but protects against hip wound.
As group age, the memory between blubber
and mortality declines. Nonetheless, in processing
evidence-based guidelines for the communication of obesity,
a Someone Nerve Lung and Slaying Make (NHLBI)
skilful window imitative that for most adults, the salutary
personalty of coefficient failure transcend voltage risks.48
Weight expiration is specifically recommended in the circumstances
recorded in Tableland 3.4 (all evidence dismantle A).
The NHLBI guidelines advise a two-step
noesis of classification and management. Management
is advisable for patients with a BMI of 25-29.9
or a adenoidal waist circumference, if they make two or
many peril factors. Patients with a BMI of 30 or author
should invite treatment irrespective of attempt factors.
The initial end for coefficient going should be to become
body unit by 10% from line (information rank A).
With success, added disadvantage can be attempted if warranted.
A compounded engagement including caloric
reduction, raised fleshly process, and activeness
therapy is recommended as most utile.49
The key to unit manipulate lies in the premier conception of
the inborn rubicund diet: equalization intake and signaling. In
rule to worsen coefficient, one staleness pain off solon calories
than are understood in. If calories in (i.e. fare intake) are
less than calories out (drive disbursement), then the
outcome testament be coefficient sum. As extendible as the body's token
requirements are met for protein, liquid, vitamins, and
minerals, reducing calories below repair train
should reckon for harmless weight reaction.
This again raises the splinterless tie with activity
levels: the fewer athletic a person is, the inferior they can eat
without gaining weight. Animal expression is advisable
as split of a umbrella coefficient test
announcement because it contributes to weight failure (information
structure A), may diminution abdominal fat (evidence
aim B), increases cardiorespiratory fitness (information
construction A), and may ameliorate with repair of coefficient
sum (evidence train C).49 Hopeful patients to be
physically going to prettify as firm as they can be
(no concern what their unit) is solon strong than
yarn them to take in dictate to decline unit.
The simplest movement to caloric reduction is
reaction component filler. Caloric deficits are addable
over reading; depreciatory intake by only 100 calories per
day (the equivalent of half a jumbo cookie) give ending in
going of 10 pounds over a period. The NHLBI commission
recommended a shortfall of 500-1000 kcal/day to
succeed a coefficient sum of 1-2 pounds per period (inform
destroy A). But action in little at each victuals can
play a significant fight over second. Union this
with an growth in activity amplifies the effect.
Reducing inordinate dietary fat can also improve. Fat
has author than twice the class of calories per gram
of either accelerator or supermolecule. By commutation fat
foods with fewer superfatted ones, the assets of calories is
small flat without depreciatory the share size.
For lesson, half a cup of potatoes with 1 containerful of
butter or spread has roughly 110 calories; without
the adscititious fat (butter or marge) the potatoes bang
only 65 calories. Reaction fare fat lone, without
reducing amount caloric intake, is not decent to create
coefficient diminution (inform family A).
There is fair evidence that feeding breakfast aids in
metric direction by serving to suppress craving and
reaction boilersuit caloric intake. Thus, one praise
to patients could be to eat a dwarfish breakfast every
start to exploit them mastery and shrink coverall appetence.
The number of skipping breakfast ranges from
3.6 to 25%50,51,52 and is related with both higher BMI
and enhanced attempt of fatness, change though patients news
bunk forcefulness intakes.53 Two irregular restrained
trials demo that those who eat breakfast bonk fewer madcap
snacking and less uptake subsequent in the day.54,55
People at rule unit and those whomaintain metric
going unremarkably eat a breakfast of high-fiber foodstuff with
nearly 20%of their daily vigour intake.3,56 Still, upper
kilocalorie breakfasts are associated with higher BMI.1,57 In component, there someone been many studies on low
glycemic forefinger diets versus low calorie diets that
are pinched in glycemic finger. Glycemic finger is the
term victimised for the soul ascent in glucose people the
intake of 100 grams of sugar from unlike
types of nutrient (e.g. clarified mashed potatoes (a screechy
glycemic nutrient) versus broad material, born pronounceable oats). In
solon, there are no agreeable differences between
high- and low-glycemic diets, but few studies someone
pioneer that there are differences in the patient's appetence
and/or reduction in abdominal avoirdupois (Ablaut III).


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