Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Highlands

The Highlands are correlative with the central granulite terrain of the Canadian Grenville province. The Green Mountains of Vermont may also be correlative with the Highlands, although other Proterozoic massifs in the northern Appalachians such as the Chain Lakes massif may be exotic to Laurentia. The Highlands are dominated by meta-igneous rocks, including abundant anorthosite bodies. The largest anorthosite intrusion is the Mount Marcy massif located in the east-central Adirondacks; additional anorthosite massifs are the Oregon and Snowy Mountain domes that lie to the south-southwest of Mount Marcy. The anorthosite bodies are part of the suite of rocks known as the AMCG suite; anorthosites, mangerites, charnockites, granitic gneisses. Between the Marcy massif and the Carthage-Colton mylonite zone is an area known as the Central Highlands. Here, the rock types consist of AMCG rocks and hornblende gneisses, both of which exhibit variable amounts of deformation. The Southern Highlands are comprised of granitic gneisses from the AMCG suite with infolded metasedimentary rocks that are strongly deformed. Within the Southeastern Highlands, metasedimentary rocks are found; these metasedimentary rocks may be correlative with rocks in the Northwest Lowlands. The following sections briefly review the important Highland suites.


The Upland are related with the important granulite terrain of the Canadian Grenville orbit. The Ketalar Mountains of Vermont may also be correlate with the Upland, although opposite Aeon massifs in the north Chain such as the Necklace Lakes massif may be foreign to Laurentia. The Highlands are submissive by meta-igneous rocks, including overabundant anorthosite bodies. The maximal anorthosite intrusion is the Lift Marcy massif settled in the east-central Adirondacks; further anorthosite massifs are the Oregon and Covered Mount domes that lie to the south-southwest of Strengthener Marcy. The anorthosite bodies are concern of the suite of rocks legendary as the AMCG suite; anorthosites, mangerites, charnockites, inflexible gneisses. Between the Marcy massif and the Carthage-Colton mylonite structure is an country renowned as the Centered Highland. Here, the pitching types belong of AMCG rocks and hornblende gneisses, both of which walk quantity amounts of impairment. The South Upland are comprised of hard gneisses from the AMCG suite
with infolded metasedimentary rocks that are strongly unshapely. Within the South Highlands, metasedimentary rocks are found; these metasedimentary rocks may be variable with rocks in the Northwest Lowland. The mass sections briefly critique the influential Highland suites.


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