Illegal downloading: right or wrong? It may be wrong to download media you haven't paid for, but if cinema and concert tickets were reasonably priced then more people would get out there and experience such events in the way they were intended. How many times have you bought a CD album and liked only a couple of tracks? The record company won't refund you 80 percent of the purchase price. While it's no justification for 'stealing' media from the web, I have no sympathy for an industry that has ridden roughshod over its customers for years, then produced TV shows such as 'Cribs' that rub their faces in it. The landscape has changed, and the industry needs to adapt to its new surroundings rather than t ry to realign our expectations with its views. DiscoMart Matt Egan, editor, replies: Perhaps it's because I earn a crust creating media, but I do find incredible this idea that music and films should be free simply because they are online. If no-one pays, no-one gets paid and, ultimately, nothing gets made. I understand why people think things should be free or less expensive: I'd like to get paid more for doing less, but there is no justification for theft.
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