Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How much do batteries cost your business?

Batteries are not something that most workshops spend that much time worrying about, but the replacement of batteries can seriously cut into a business’ profits. The average dealer buys 5 replacement batteries per month, at an average cost of R750 per battery, which amounts to around R3500 per month. Looking long term, that adds up to a whopping R42000 per annum. Of course the better you look after a battery, the better it will serve you - making proactive and preventative battery management an essential workshop process. The 3 main causes of shortened battery life are: 1 sulphating due to undercharged batteries 2 acid stratification due to deeply discharged batteries 3 drying out and harmful overcharging which ‘boils off’ battery fluids Vehicle electronics have come a long way in recent years, resulting in higher demands being placed on batteries – even when a vehicle is parked. At the same time, modern batteries have greater requirements themselves, such as modern chargers and charging methods. A 3 Amp charger of today is the equivalent to a 10 Amp charger of a few years ago - and those chargers of the past used more power than current technology requires. Ctek offers a truly modern product to keep up with the current demands, by offering a charger with a patented 8-step charging system.

This means not only more efficient charging, but also ensures that charging is carried out correctly, preventing early failure of the battery. The range of chargers is ideal for maintaining and charging the diverse, maintenance-free, lead-acid technologies currently available. Vehicle alternators alone may not be able to satisfactorily re-charge the battery, especially if a vehicle is only being driven short distances every day. Ctek boasts a 3 in 1 service - it systematically reconditions, services and charges. What this means for the car dealer or fleet owner, is a radically reduced number of monthly replacement batteries. As a result, the unit will often pay for itself in 1-2 months. The Ctek range of battery chargers boast greater safety for users thanks to its foolproof connection, its being spark proof and reverse polarity protected. There is also no need for the battery to be disconnected. It also boasts greater safety for vehicles, as the units regulate voltage to protect sensitive electronic and audio equipment. The chargers provide fully automatic charging, maintenance and battery care. The patented desulphation function revives drained batteries and extends battery life, while float/pulse charging allows ‘set and forget’ for months at a time without harming the battery. All commercial Ctek Battery chargers carry a 2 year warranty. The range includes: MXS10-10 Amp 12volt charger, MXS25 25 Amp 12 volt charger, MXT14 (14 Amp) 24 Volt charger and recently released, the all new MXTS70 - an extremely powerful industrial model suitable for the heavy duty trucking, mining and military markets.


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