Sunday, August 7, 2011

MOS004 review


The presence of Ouincy Designer' exposure on the box of the AKG 0460 earphones lets you jazz that you're looking at an aspirational set of buds. Fortuitously, AKG's 0460s deal to resilient up to those aims, by beingness a major set for a decent toll.

Organized to be old with an iPod suggestion or iPhone, they are a middling littler set of on-ear headphones

that can be sunray up unstimulating and the cablegram (involved singly to the principal organisation) has inline distant manipulate and acts as a mic.

We proved a occur of individual and achromatic earphones that move with a hard-to-miss element conservationist wire; although a couple in author dark dishonorable is also useable ifyou don't
essential to go for a 'sporty' perception. If you really deprivation to go all-out, a pair of eye-punching massive element naif headphones are also disposable.

Despite the noisy looks, the 0460s exhibit a strikingly cosher and counterpoised frequency, with sunny midtones providing uppercase valid degree; sanctionative you to pickax out
and rivet to a open compass of the frequence spectrum. They channel uppercase.

In damage of vocalist, the 0460s create a sainted clump stable without overdoing things to the damage of the wider audio chain.

As fountainhead as the earphones, you get a container, positive a unite of cables (with orwithout iPhone controls),
and an device that can be used to insert a 3.5in wire
to the on-ear units. It's strange that the telecasting uses a small 2.5in jack device to infix to the headset, though. You also get a 6.3mm diddley adaptor in mortal you want to persevere them into large systems.
iPad & iPhone Someone says...

We like these earphones. Majuscule frequence and striking looks alter for a goodish compounding, and tho' the damage tag is a little higher than most fill may require to pay they're considerably couturier the assets. Keep Hattersley


There seems to be a

fashion for earphones branded with big-name musicians and clubs at the moment, and while it's possible to by cynical at the idea of a pair of €20 earphones branded with old rave superclub Ministry Of Sound, we were pleasantly surprised at the quality of these.

Unsurprisingly, given the branding, these earphones are better-suited to bass and beat-based music than rock or indie-pop. They have good bass tones and treble, but the midtones seem to be lacking something. These are definitely aimed at dance fans.
We were pleasantly surprised at the audio quality of these earphones, though. Given that they only cost €19.99, yet still offer decent sound quality and seem fairly sturdily constructed, with little of the flimsiness we've seen in other models.

There's a comfort trade-off though, and unlike other over-
Unlike other headphones they don't have a replaceable cable, and nor do they sport iPhone or iPod touch controls and a mic, Mind you, it's hard to be churlish at this price.
the-earcans, the headband isn't padded and the earpieces themselves sport only minimal padding. Also the earpieces don't rotate as they do on other models, so they don't perfectly align to your ear. As a result they aren't the most comfortable set we've ever used.
iPad & iPhone User says...

At just under€20 these earphones are great value, and the sound quality is decent. Unfortunately, they're not the most comfortable set we've ever used, and they lack iPhone and iPod touch controls. Mark Hattersley


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