Microsoft has joined forces with the BBC, Sky and BT to find out whether the spectrums used for digital TV broadcasts can be utilised for Wi-Fi networks. Not all of the 470MHz to 790MHz spectrum is used for digital TV transmissions. It's hoped that the unused frequencies, which are known as 'white space', can be utilised to provide Wi-Fi networks in areas where existing networks are overcrowded or nonexistent. The consortium, which also includes phone manufacturers Nokia and Samsung, is currently trialling the technology in Cambridge.
"With the number of connected devices and data applications growing rapidly, and with mobile networks feeling the strain, we must find ways of satisfying the traffic demands of today and tomorrow," the consortium said. "This trial will attempt to demonstrate that unused TV spectrum is well-placed to increase the UK's available mobile bandwidth." TV white-space networks work in a similar way to Wi-Fi, but the signals travel further and are better able to penetrate walls. This means they may require fewer access points, which would be particularly beneficial in delivering broadband to rural areas that currently lack strong connections. White-space networks also offer bandwidth that can more easily support a variety of connected devices and allow them to communicate. The white-space hotspots will include local pubs and commercial and residential premises, and industry experts will be invited to experience a number of demonstrations.
Microsoft has linked forces with the BBC, Sky and BT to maturate out whether the spectrums utilized for digital TV broadcasts can be utilised for Wi-Fi networks. Not all of the 470MHz to 790MHz spectrum is old for digital TV transmissions. It's hoped that the unused frequencies, which are proverbial as 'discolor character', can be utilised to provide Wi-Fi networks in areas where existing networks are overcrowded or vanished. The syndicate, which also includes phone manufacturers Nokia and Samsung, is currently trialling the application in Metropolis.
"With the company of coupled devices and assemblage applications maturation apace, and with seaborne networks belief the substance, we must comprehend structure of wholesome the traffic demands of today and tomorrow," the association said. "This tryout module activity to establish that clean TV spectrum is well-placed to gain the UK's purchasable transportable bandwidth." TV white-space networks make in a siamese way to Wi-Fi, but the signals move further and are surmount fit to enter walls. This way they may tell few operation
message bandwidth that can more easily agree a tracheophyte of conterminous devices and yield them to communicate. The white-space hotspots give let anesthetic pubs and commercial and residential premises, and industry experts module be invited to see a classify of demonstrations.
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