Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Confusing Urinalysis Results

I just had a recent urinalysis report come in, and here are the results:

Color: yellow
Appearance: Clear
SP Gravity: 1.015 normal
PH: 5 normal
Leukocytes: Neg
Nitrite: Neg
Protein: Neg
Clucose: Norm
Acetone: Neg
Urobilinog: Norm
Bilirubin: Neg
Blood: Neg
WBC: 8-12
RBC: 0
Epithelial: 0
Bacteria: 0

Observations: No growth after 2 days incubation.

I am concerned about the WBC being so high. The chem test comes up negative for WBC, but the microbiology shows 8-12.

No Leukocytes detected in the chem-strip, but WBCs found under the scope? What could this mean?

No change in urination, no burning, no decrease in pressure, etc..

Could this be a sign of bladder cancer, or any other deadly processes?

I initially visited the urologist(s) because a ct scan had shown the following:

1) Mild urinary bladder wall thickening anteriorly. Clinical correlation should be made for cystitis.
2) No inguinal hernia or lymphadenopathy in the inguinal region.
3) Mild disc protrusions in the lower lumbar spine.

My urologists (two of them, seeing a third tomorrow) do not believe anything is wrong with me, however, this recent urinalysis shows WBC being 8-12.



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