Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prednisone Tapers and Side Effects

I have a chronic cough that the doctors just haven't been able to completely figure out. In the last 8 weeks, I've been on asthma meds, a couple antibiotics, cough suppressants and Prednisone. (I'm already being treated for acid reflux and allergies that are also common cough triggers.)

Unfortunately, I've been on Prednisone repeatedly over the years.

I was on my first go-round with Prednisone early in August for 5 days. It helped my breathing (for asthma), but did nothing for my cough.

I started a 16 day course of Prednisone Saturday morning. It is 3 20mg x 4 days, 2 20mg x 4 days, 1 20mg x 4 days, 1/2 20mg x 4 days. I'm taking my dosage in the morning with food.

I'm now 3 days into this dosage and I've been kind of "zoning out" most of the day. I also had difficulty sleeping on Saturday night. I didn't get anything accomplished the entire holiday weekend. When I read about the listed side-effects for the Prednisone, they list the insomnia and "mood changes", but I haven't been able to find anything about "zoning". Has anyone else had side effects like this when taking the higher dosages of Prednisone?

I'm really concerned about this because with all my constant coughing that has worn me out, I've been having enough trouble trying to pay full attention at work as it is. I really don't want to deal with the medication side effects as well.

I've never had a response like this to Prednisone before? Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.


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