Tuesday, September 6, 2011

not sure what is going on


I'm starting to get a little worried. It started with a sinus infection that led to a right ear infection about 2 months ago. My GP put me on antibiotics again (i have a hx of recurring sinus problems). This time with my ear infection I developed a achy tightness on the right side of my neck which i assumed was swollen glands. What worried me soon after was my lab work, which has consistently showing my wbc count on the low side of normal (4.7-4.8, range is 4.5-10.0). My diff labs such as neutrophils, lymphs and monos are all mid range and have stayed solidly there. I get my blood drawn once a month to check my liver enzymes (3 wks ago just got off crestor for cholesterol because my dr. said it was making me sick.)
What worries me know is that I still have the swelling on the right side of my neck; it comes and goes, especially flares up when I'm stressed. My body temp is unusually low, as I range anywhere from 97.5-98.5. My hands and feet have been cold a lot lately which is not me at all. I have had a sleep problem for a long time so my sleep schedule varies. I have been also experiencing noticeable fatigue usually every other afternoon and this is also unusual for me.
can anyone offer me any help?


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