Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pilonidal Recurrance -10 years later

A quick history...
10 years ago I had my first operation for a pilonidal cyst. It was horrible. I had a lot of sinus tracks and the surgeon had to cut almost the entire way down my butt crack, 4 inches deep, and about 3 inches wide to remove it all. I was then stitched and took a month off to heal (I was only 14 at the time). Three months later, I had my second surgery for it, as it was not healing and they found more tracks. Three months after that... another. A total of 3 pilonidal operations within 9 months during my freshman year of HS. The last two surgeries I was left open to heal, and the very last one I was packed with nugauze that had been soaked in iodaform. A year later, I was finialy completely closed and healed. I really had a difficult road. It took so long to heal and I was in pain all the time. I walked around with an open wound that you could literally fit your fist in.

A few years ago I had a scare with it again. I felt a stinging pain in my rear and my mom checked and said she saw a hole, much like the first one. It never bled or drained anything, it was just a hole. So we went to the Dr again and she cleaned it, gave me some Augmentin to help, and it was fine within a week.

For the past month or so, I've had some stinging if I sit too long or when I was washing in the shower. Two days ago, as I was dryiing after my shower, I noticed blood on my towel. I had my mom check for me, and sure enough, a hole. Bleeding. Not a lot, but there was blood.

So for these past few days I have been doing my old regime. Cleaning 3x's a day with hydrogen peroxide, covering it with gauze, and keeping it as clean as possible.

Even though it is a small hole... I know this pain. I know this feeling. Although it was ten years ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. This feels EXACTLY like it.

I currently do not have health insurance, but I'm going to call my surgeon today to at least get some advice.

See, I though I was always very educated about it. So I've been sitting in school googling and found some great articles down on pilonidal in the past few years. Apparently a lot has changed since my experience.

Anyone out there have any experience with recurrant Pilonidal cysts? How did they treat it? Surgery? Please respond...


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