Tuesday, September 6, 2011

BP too low? Knee injury? Confused by physical...

I am a healthy 26 year old female. I am 150 lbs and 5ft 5 in and according to my doctor "on the top end of bone width for females" with very high muscle mass. I have been exercising regulary (cross training, resistance, cardio) for the last two years and have recently started running regularly (used to be a running machine in HS and college, never any injuries or problems). I gave birth to a baby 2 years ago and had a critical drop in blood pressure during his birth due to his compression of the vena cava.

My resting BP this morning was 88/62 (no coffee yet, but TONS of water) and my heart rate was pretty low too. The nurse seemed very concerned and called the doctor in, the doc said it was fine for somebody who exercises regularly. I've researched a little online, and it still seems low. Does anybody else have this low blood pressure? Have you had any probelms with it or has it concerned your med. professional?

I also was told I have a very small tear on my meniscus with slight inward McMurtry's (the name for the popping sound, I'm told) and that I could continue to run lightly on a padded track unless I felt a more severe pain/popping. I'm new to running, so I'm a little confused as to why this happened and if I should really take her up and continue running.

My knees are my livelyhood right now, I teach the crosstraining class that I do and am teaching a "couch to 10K" program right now, so I don't want to take this lightly.

Thanks for any input any of you may have!


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