Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Worried about my symptoms

Hello I was wondering whether you would be able to help me. Over the past week I've been experiencing a nubbier of symptoms and am worried as to what is wrong with me. Last Tuesday/Wednesday I began getting aches in the backs of my thighs, which at the time I attributed to sitting for long periods in uncomfortable/hard chairs that week. By Thursday the aches began getting worse and by Friday I began getting aches and discomfort in the hips, between the thighs and behind the testicles as well as feeling tired and having stomach ache.

I went to an our of hours clinic on Saturday where the doctor checked my heart beat, blood pressure, temperature, made me take a urine test and felt around my stomach and said because of the range of symptoms it is most likely a virus. He suggested paracetamol and rest. The next day I was feeling a little better, the stomach ache wasn't as bad and my back etc. where not as aggravating. However since Monday I've been feeling pretty under the weather. I continue to get aches in my hips, legs, knees, back, deep in then bottom cheeks, bottom of the spine and behind the testicles (I've had a feel of them and can't find anything abnormal) as well as mild stomach ache, headaches and a loss of appetite.

The aches in my hips and back are fine when I go to bed (after hot baths) but as the day goes on they get worse. Being a hypochondriac I am scared I have cancer. Would anyone be able to shed any light on this?


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