Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Electrifying body-wide shock while running

So I've been training distance running; I'm at about 5.5-6 miles 3 times a week now. Last weekend I did a 10k. I had a fairly quick pace for most of the race, with 1.5 miles left I started running much harder (6:30 pace) and with about .33 miles left I went to full on sprint. at around .2 miles left I felt my body slowly start to tingle and then all of a sudden I had a huge tingle shoot through my entire body, almost like a light electric shock. I've never experienced this while running or pushing myself (I play soccer, ultimate frisbee, and I mountain bike).

I'm simply wondering what this could be caused by, if it's a sign of anything, and if it's bad.

Since the race, I haven't noticed anythign strange.



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