Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tired and cold all the time

I'm a 38 year old female 5'8" 155 pounds. I am cold I mean really cold and tired all the time. I have migraines. I can't concentrate or think clearly any more. My heart rate is 58 bpm. My normal temp is 97 degrees. I have very dry skin and I drink lots of water as I stay thirsty all day and night. My neck and shoulder muscles ache alot. The last 4 months I have been very bloated and gained 15 pounds. I walk 3 miles a day so I get a fair amount of exercise a day. I eat healthy, lots of fruits and veggies and no sugars. I've been tested for thyroid and diabetes two years ago and the tests were negative but things keep getting worse and now I have heart pains. Doctor says its depression....Life has its ups and downs but I don't feel depressed but if things don't get better I think I might. Please help!!!


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