Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weird feeling/numbness from left pectoral muscle down inside of left arm into palm?

This all started a little over 4 months ago. I was picking up a heavy, glass vase at work and it shattered, cutting both my thumbs symmetrically. I had to get 4 stitches in my left thumb and 6 in my right. I immediately could do almost nothing because you need your thumbs for even the simplest everyday tasks.

While my thumbs have healed well (No tendons or nerves were cut and I regained full motion and strength), I haven’t felt entirely normal since and it’s really getting to me. I feel like this work accident has taken something precious away from me, and I just want it back. I want to feel normal again.

The main symptoms I have are:

- Weird feeling/numbness from my left pectoral muscle down the inside of my left arm and into my palm, the right side of my lower left palm almost feels like I scraped it on asphalt.

- Waking up at night with tingling in both hands (usually pinky and ring fingers), goes away after a few seconds

- Muscles get tense and painful when sitting for long periods of time (at the movies, while driving, Church)

- My limbs and extremities seem to fall asleep easier now, and my shoulders have started popping occasionally (usually in bed)

These symptoms are pretty consistent. I just want to enjoy driving again, sit through a movie without thinking about my body, regular everyday stuff.

I’ve visited several doctors, had weeks of physical therapy, an EMG from my neck down my left arm (was normal), an MRI of my cervical spine (everything was normal, except for a cyst I had on my upper back/left side), and I had that cyst removed recently because of the possibility that it could be the cause of the symptoms.

I hope and pray that the symptoms go away now. I feel like I’ve tried almost everything. I just want to feel normal and healthy again. If anyone has had similar experiences or has any productive insight, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks.


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