Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Constant Pain In Ribs

I currently do not have health insurance so I'm trying to figure out if what's wrong with me might be worth going to the ER for...About 4 years ago I started having mild pain in my left chest area & went into the ER. They did EKG & Chest X-Ray & everything was normal. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure which is controlled with medication. A few months later I had a stress test which was normal. The pain has come & gone since then sometimes not bad at all & sometimes worse. I also have panic attacks which makes the pain seem worse then it is. I either seem to not notice the symptoms while taking my anti-anxiety medication (Klonopin) or I do not have them. A couple years ago I also started having a pain in my upper rib cage area (both sides), but it has been really infrequent & seemed unrelated until recently. I had a baby about 9 months ago & during my pregnancy the pain was not present, but I was also on Buspar for anxiety. About 4 months ago I had another normal EKG & chest x-ray. Lately the pain in my chest area (under my left breast & arm & sometimes my left wrist) has gotten worse. Last night I was up almost all night with the pain in my chest area & felt as if I was having a panic attack & stomach upset. I felt better this morning, but still not quite right. Everything was well until about mid-day & then I got the pain in my ribcage as well. Normally the pain in my ribs doesn't last long at all, but I have had it for about 6 hours now & am really concerned. The chest/arm pain is still there, but I can't really feel it because of the pain in my ribs. I don't know if this is merely panic related or if it is some kind of heart problem or if maybe it's a stomach ulcer or something else...It seems to strange & unrelated to be anxiety & if I have had normal EKG, chest x-rays & stress test could it still be my heart? I am only 27 years old.


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