Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No stethoscope, electrocardiagrams for everyone?

My hematologist of more than a quarter century, other than having a soft touch for writing prescriptions to drug addicts (which is why he was shut down by the State) was one of the most decent people I ever trusted with my health. I saw few other doctors during that time, as he had treated me for (and cured) a life-threatening disease when I was a kid, and subsequently taken the role of my GP - therefore, I don't really know what to think of some of the different rules which newer doctors play by.

There's a GP now who I saw recently who, other than being so young it's hard to believe they let him out of school, is very thorough, dedicated, listens to my whining, etc. What I don't get is that he doesn't seem to so much as own a stethoscope, but he did, without any cardiac complaints, order an electrocardiagram. I was wondering why he would run such a time-consuming, and expensive test (I am on prescriptions for thyroid and blood pressure, but they work - the blood pressure checked out fine), when the technician who ran the test informed me that he does this with everybody. Really? It cost me an extra $20 insurance copay for this, therefore I want to know if other doctors consider this shotgun electrocardiagram practice appropriate.

I am also curious about the apparent de-emphasis on stethoscope use (this wasn't the first GP who I had recently seen which didn't use one).

I would appreciate your thoughts on the above.


Great Post....These days, there are a lot of stethoscope reviews that are found all over the internet thus it will be very easy for you to be able to know the latest trend and the price range of the stethoscopes that you will most likely buy.

stethoscope reviews

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