Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I have too much energy; can i stop / reduce this?

My energy levels have always been really high, but where I’ve put up with it in the past, I’ve got sick of it because it is really annoying, embarrassing and lots of hassle. I’m hoping there is something I can do to stop it, or if not reduce it, preferably by food or drinks or vitamin or similar pills, but not with tranquilisers.

When I sit down my legs have move up and down really fast and the more I eat the worse it gets. When I eat I get even more hectic and the more I eat the more hectic I get, having to move my fingers aswell. This is very embarrassing in restaurants, because I don’t move as much as I need to and can’t eat a big or 3 course meal, because if I don’t move enough I get too hectic and slow down and stop eating because I can’t. I only ever have one course in a restaurant because I can’t eat any more without getting too hectic and feeling stupid.

I can’t get too sleep without drumming my fingers for a bit, no matter how tired I am. When I work my legs go up and down even when I am typing fast. When I drink a drink my legs still move really fast.

Thanks ever so much for anyone’s help.


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