Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stange car sickness

Hello. I’m 18 years old and I have car sickness. My car sickness manifests itself before the ride even starts. For example, if in a week’s time I would be leaving town for holiday, one day before the trip I feel ill, nauseated and very weak, the state amplfying itself on the day of the departure. The nausea is very srong so that before getting into the car I feel the need to vomit. If I don’t know I have to leave somewhere I still feel ill. Another example is when I leave for shopping, I don’t feel nauseated right away, but as quickly as I smell the car emanation(not fuel smell) I feel ill and vomit. I don’t really feel ill because the car wouldn’t be clean inside. Further more, my family changed four cars until now. Every time the first month was great, I wouldn’t feel sick, but after a while I would get used to the smell of the car and feel sick again. I can’t stand any car freshner. During the ride I have a weak condition and nausea. Before I get in the car I am a bit scared, my heart beats faster and, unfortunately, I vomit. It’s not really a car sickness due to the inner ear and loss of balance because I feel sick before getting into the car. I believe this is a case of fear of feeling ill and then I feel ill. What can I do? I'm desperate...


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