Tuesday, September 6, 2011

vitamin D deficiency and other issues

A few weeks ago my GYN sent me for blood work and told me I had a vietamin D deficiency. She wrote a rx for "50,000 IU caps" to be taken once per week for 8 weeks. I will have my blood tested again at the end of the 8 week period.
Any idea of what will be done if I still have a deficiency at the end of 8 weeks?
Do you think they will send me for a different type of test, if so what would it be?
I really have not been happy with my GYN during this past visit. Nurse and office staff are difficult to deal with and border on being rude. The GYN has also changed and does not seem to be as willing to "listen" as she has in the past. If I need additional testing would it be inappropriate for me to follow up with my Primary? (copies of all blood work are also sent to his office). Is it my choice or am I required to continue seeing the GYN for this issues since she scheduled the original blood work?


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