Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Elbow cracking/tight sensation

Hey guys! I am have having problems with my elbow on my right arm. I believe its because of the accident i had awhile back. Or maybe because i use the computer to much? But Anyways, About 1 year (or longer) i was riding my bike with a few friends and i hit the back of my friends tyre and fell. I forgot how i landed but my whole right arm was in a heap of pain and i couldn't move it. I went to the doctors the next day and got a x-ray scan and the doctor told me that nothing seemed broken and it seemed fine. So he just gave me a sling to wear and i wore that for a few weeks. After wearing for a few weeks it all seemed well and i just got on with my life.

But... every now and then i started to experience like a tight sensation in the elbow area whenever i did something physical. It doesn't happen all the time just sometimes. I can do certain exercise like chin ups or push ups and it feels fine but then sometimes when i lift something i can feel a tight sensation like a rubber band being extended feeling. It kinda makes my elbow feel weak. Anyone know why this happens?

The other problem that happens is my elbow cracks every now and then.
An example is when i do dumbbells, i start of fine then i begin to feel a slight discomfort in the elbow area and once it cracks it feels normal and i can go on and continue doing it. Other times it can happen when i extend my arm straight or just randomly.
Also, there is no pain when it cracks. I believe this could be from the accident i had with the bike.
Anybody know what could be the issue? Or how i can fix it?



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