Tuesday, September 6, 2011

white spots on face in summer but not any other seasons?? help!

ok this has been happening for about 3 years and i want it to stop. i've been to 3 doctors. the first one gave me some steroid cream. i used that for a year then i switched doctors and they told me the steriod cream was thinning my skin so i stopped using it. So then i switched doctors again and she said i had an allergy to the sun? ***? is that possible? the white spots only during the summer time and then they gradually go away when winter approaches. but i spend like equal amount of time in winter as i do in summer. i know for sure i dont have vitiligo, tinea versicolor, eczama, psoriasis , and that pityrisis stuff. the white spots are smooth not dry and not scaly and once summer passes my face is all the same color again. PLEASE HELP!!! is this really and allergy?? if so what can i doo?? sorry for being soooo long. thanks!


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