Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Body sensitive to Medicines

For some reason, in the pass year or so, my body has became very sensitive to medicines. I was wondering am I the only one? or is there something wrong with me?

A quick history of myself. I have Ankylosing spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis for years. I have to say, I must have been on every medication out there that is made for Arthritis. over the years, I had been on so many different kids of NSAIDs including Vioxx and Bextra which had already been taken off the market now. alone with many steroids and pain killers such as Vicodin. In the pass few years, I had been getting a infusion (TNF). for the last 4 to 5 years, I thought I was in heaven. it had been the best medicine ever. one infusion eve 6 weeks, I was in no pain what so ever. Very expensive. Long story short, I lost my job, insurance ran out, it took month before I got back to purchasing my own insurance. I was out of the infusion for 5 months, finally got back to it, Remicade only lasted for 2 weeks, than all my pain and more came back. it seems as all the pain from many years ago decided to all come out at the same time. my arthritis flare up extremely bad. I had been working with my doctors to get better pain control, but my body was not responding to the medicine which work fine for me in the pass or should I say I had problems taken the meds. Doctor told me to take come Vicodin in the mean time, I was taken up to 2 pills per day years ago, but I took just a quarter of a pill, my heart was pounding, I was sweating, cold sweat, than hot sweat, nausea and dizzy. Celebrex, also made me felt the same, even worst, flexeril, a mussel relaxer at the lowest dose made me drowsy for days, the doctor said I was the 10% who reacts to it. also, I was given some other medicine which give me some chest discomfort and short of breath. I'm only 37 years old, I was wondering has anyone or does anyone have any of the similar reaction to medicine when at one time was not a problem at all? could there be something wrong with my own body? Any suggestion would help, thank you very much.


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