Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Possibly a pinched nerve?

Last Thursday morning I awoke with severe pain near the shoulder blade. I went friday for a massage. it hurt like hell and the woman said it was a muscle strain. she said "dont baby it. keep doing what your doing so it stretches out."

this week on Monday I went to the dr as the pain made sure I only slept 5 hours total between that thursday and the following monday. he said it is a pinched nerve. ice and heat, try acupuncture, and only certain exercises.

Tuesday I got acupunture done. so far no relief. she recommended a cortisone shot. I got that yesterday. Still no relief.

I have permission to continue playing hockey and working out using the elliptical but the pain wont go away. During my work outs and hockey the pain is gone. feels 90% better. but then when I site down for a bit or I am riding in the car it acts up, my forearm gets dull and achy and I get tingling in my left index finger.

I have tried a muscle relaxer I was prescribed, anti inflammatory meds, hot showers, hot baths, epsom salt baths. I am sleeping better but I wake up and the pain is unbreable until I get moving around.

Can any one give me any more advice or tell me how long this should last? I have gotten similar symptoms before but they always lasted 3-4 days and that was it.


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