Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sick for almost 3 months.

Hi, around 3 months ago I caught a 24 hour gastric bug. Around 3 days after getting rid of the bug I started experiencing very bad shortness of breath and dizziness.

I went to see my GP who prescribed me with Amoxocillin and beta blockers. These did not help. I went back to see my GP who then told me to stop with the Amoxocilin and gave me Omeprazole (PPI) to take with the beta blockers.

Around a week later I had to go to hospital because my breathing got so bad. They checked my lungs and heart but everything was normal. I was the taken off the beta blockers but Continued with the Omeprazole. My breathing feels like it is now back to normal but my stomach doesn't.

I feel a constant pressure in my abdomen and pass gas alot more often. I also hear my stomach & intestines wooshing and gurgling quite often even if I'm not hungry. I also get cramps in the abdomen.

Also... I feel like I am not on this planet and find it hard to concentrate sometimes. And sometimes i feel bad nausea.

This week I have had a heliobacter test and am awaiting the results. The doctors don't seem to be too worried about this but the past 3 months have been driving me crazy.

Has anyone else been through anything like this or can you suggest anything else I should try.

Thanks for reading, sorry for the long post & my spelling.


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