Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My arm has a mind of it's own!

I am a 15 year old girl and my school gets out at 2:45 pm. On my way home from school I was walking home, at about 3:00, all of a sudden my left arm below my elbow starts shaking (Jerking to the left) and even if I use all my willpower I can't stop it. The only time it stops if if I move my arm. My right arm is perfectly fine.It's kinda freaking my out and it's getting annoying. My arm is getting tired and of course I have undiagnosed insommnia, well I can never fall asleep in MY room but since I can't sleep I can't escape my arm. I have no clue what's wrong but I feel like my left arm has a mind of it's own!

I have no clue if this has anything to do with it but also when I walk my left arm doesn't swing unless I try really hard to make it swing.


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