Tuesday, September 6, 2011

hormonal illness

hi you

i am glad that i found this site because i possibly have a hormonal disease but most doctors are ignorant.

since i have been a child i was very clumsy,often in my own world,unconcentrated, sometimes over active but also distant with other people.
i have always seen my world in a strange way and i am often uncoordinated.
when i grew older i got other mental illnesses from time to time, which for example feel like being on drugs or having sudden, strange and annerving ideas of persecution, but always with me having insight shortly after.

since i am a child i often noticed bleeding wounds under my fingernails in summer or sometimes while playing.

i also had three adult teeth just not growing.

since i got my menstruation at the age of 12 i often have my period irregular or sometimes even missing.
i often have bad premenenstrual migraines or a worsening of symptoms before my menstruation and sometimes cramps in the upper body (gall bladder?) one day before the period.
but i don`t have ovarian cysts.

at the age of 19 i had my first panic disorder episode.
it came suddenly and i got a fast heart rate,nausea,weakness and shortness of breath. (this cardiac-nausea-breathing problems are my worst symptoms of all, i think)

this problem got chronically for some periods of time (with better times inbetween) and my live wasn`t that live i led before.
soon i noticed that i felt better when i was eating something, but i have always been a normal eater and not dieting.
so i often had to eat more than normal from that time on.
for a while i also developed agoraphobia because of the symptoms.
but strange is that although i am often eating more for years now,i don`t really gain weight and i am on the low side of normalweigt.
sometimes the nausea,dizziness,heartbeating and weakness came over me and it was so bad that i had to lie down and eat like crazy (all day long) because otherwise i would have fainted or felt worse.
then until days later i often had a strange feeling and perception left.

i had some blood works (with liver enzyme testing,kidney test and tyroid) and also had a head m rt because of recurring and annerving eye twitches and tingling in hands and feet.
all the tests with no results, my t s h always comes back with about 0,8 (it is always about 0,8, in every blood test ?) and surprisingly normal to low f t4 and f t3 tests. ( i expected high because my symptoms resemble hypertyroidism).
an xray of the tyroid brought normal results.
glucose testings have always been normal,even in situations when i felt the need to eat.

i got a mild sun allergy when i was about 20, it is a short-lasting rash (itching,burning like sunburn)--usually localised and not on every exposed part of the body
it disappears within hours or a day.
but sometimes i even develop sporadic burning wounds while sunbathing (on arms and dorsal feet) ,mild acne in face and the thing with the bleeding under fingernails.
also my skin got a bit dry and sensitive in general.

other symptoms are sometimes constipation,insomnia,light headedness,muskle weakness and pelvic pains...

any idea what it could be?
i guess hypo physis because of the weird hormone symptoms and tyroid values...but i don`t have adenoma (?)


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