Thursday, September 1, 2011

Infertility - Indications for referral for infertility consultant

1. If the woman is older than 35, or definitely 40,
immediate referral may be indicated, especially
if the couple has already tried for more than
one year.
2. If the couple has not conceived within three years
of stopping contraceptives, the likelihood of
pregnancy in the next year is less than 25% and
referral is indicated.
3. Ovarian failure, failure to achieve ovulation within
three to six cycles or pregnancy within one year,
would suggest the need of referral.
4. Other suggested indications for immediate
referral include serum chlamydia levels in either
partner of greater than 1:256, follicular
stimulating level in the woman’s early follicular
phase more than 10 IU/L, or abnormal sperm
analysis (sperm motility less than 25% or less than
20 million/mL).


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